In the past six decades, Tianjin Watch Factory used the Tianjin brand name for three different watches. One was powered by the ST2 and another by the ST4, but the most common version was a grade 3 ST5 model. Some of the ST5 versions have dials with the letter J at the bottom and the Fang Zhen misspelt as FANGZHGN. I find these J-dial Tianjins particularly interesting.

I bought one with a black dial and another with a white dial shortly after I started to collect VCMs. I never mentioned, however, that I’ve had two others for more than three years now.

It appears likely that this blue striped dial Tianjin was assembled relatively recently.

Curiously, the movement has the letter E which is seen sometimes on the movements inside J-dial Tianjins and very rarely on other ST5s.

The evidence of wear suggests that this silver dial Tianjin has been around for a longer time than the blue.

The back is plain on the outside…

…but inside it’s stamped like a DongFeng caseback.

The striped movement may or may not be a replacement. I’ve seen many different combinations of parts in J-dial Tianjin movements. It’s quite possible that the factory used whatever parts were available at the time.