There are no grape wine growers in Saskatchewan. Yet. The University is working on hybrids based on Manitoba grape rootstock. They have manged to get a -40F/C hardy grape that is roughly equivalent to current Canadian Baco Noir but -40F isn't really quite hardy enough for Saskatchewan. They are shooting for -50C bald prairie hardy. In the meantime we have an award winning fruit winery called Living Sky and SUE and Vance make some delicious product. Their rhubarb wine is a tasty summer deck white, as well as apple, haskap, currant, raspberry, sour cherry (two kinds), strawberry. They also make several port style cherry wines and a cantaloupe ice wine that I cannot recommend to anyone who does not like canteloupe. If you do, however...
For those who have never had haskap it is a delicious if unattractive prairie berry brought to Saskatchewan by Ukrainian immigrants.

They grow seven different fruits based on the ope that at least one will deliver a crop each year. The rhubarb always does.