So, yeah... hi!

I'm Mike, a Dane who's been lurking and reading threads here for some time, and finally decided to create an account and join in. Then, of course, I managed to forget all about it for a bit (there may have been some beer consumption involved at the time which could conceivably carry some of the blame). But nevermind - here I am, giving it another go.

I've come to the conclusion there are two kinds of people in the world. Those who love, and those who hate shield-type Rados. I'm one of the former, with a modest little collection. I find myself particularly drawn to the old ones; it's a rare and unusual day when I'm not wearing a Rado that's older than me. An unexpected side effect of the pandemic has been greatly increased time spent trawling the internet for watches, and I'm afraid my mind somewhere along the line decided I must now go hunting for every type of mineral dial I can find. Obviously a terrible idea, but you try arguing with my mind when it's made up.

Anyway, here I am. You may run now.
