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One of the Key Objectives of Operation Torch, the invasion of French North Africa in November 1942, was to split Axis forces and weaken their position on the Eastern front where they had invaded Russia The areas targeted for invasion were held by Vichy French troops who were in effect collaborating with the Germans, The Vichy French were well equped both as an Army, with large numbers of ...
By 1970 there was increasing political pressure in the U.S.A. to end the Vietnam war peacefully, as well as several other conflicts in the area that the US had a part in. there was however still heavy fighting ongoing throughout the region including Large scale operations and small Special forces operations, the difficult unfamiliar terrain and inhospitable climate made standard tactics unusable ...
Eaglemoss Military Watches Collection. The early years of the United States Army Air Corps were not an easy time, Evolving from the US Army Air Service, which had been established in World War 1, The creation of that service split opinion between those who thought it was a waste of funds and those who believed air support would be of huge benefit to ground troops. Compromises were made on both sides ...
President Woodrow Wilson tried to keep The United States out of World War 1. He understood that the Army stood at just under 100.000 men in the ranks, a small number compared to the British and French forces, that they were not trained in trench warfare and were poorly equipped. In 1915 there had been a serious attempt to actually cut military funding, even the loss of 128 American citizens when a German ...
As hostilities drew to a conclusion in Europe, the United States pushed hard towards victory in the pacific, After the heavy losses of Pearl Harbor the industrial manufacturing power of the United States was able to make significant technological and tactical advances that, by 1945, made it practically imposible for Japan to win. Only the desperate measures of Suicide raids on ships had any impact, ...