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Thread: Christmas heartache

  1. #1

    Christmas heartache

    is it me or do terrible natural and unnatural events seem to occur at Christmas more than any other time or are we just more focussed on events that happen at this time - looking at the terrifying Glasgow event this afternoon - just wrong place wrong time for some in that moment - heart goes out to those unfortunate folk and their families at this time and of course the many that saw and won't forget

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  3. #2
    Doesn't make it any better but looks like one of those one in a million tragic incidents

    Some newscaster saying "and it looks like it's not a terrorist act" was kinda a stupid comment too. .. seriously.

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  5. #3
    People focus on their families around the holidays and can empathize with those families and organizations that have lost their loved ones during this time.

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  7. #4
    Moderator scottjc's Avatar
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    Reports just coming in of an incident in France that sounds slightly less accidental.
    Thoughts go out to all those feeling pain at this time of year.
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  9. #5
    Bone Collector Bwana's Avatar
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    Prayers to those families in pain, may the heavens give refuge to your loved ones.

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  11. #6
    Ich bin ein Ebeler! WWII70's Avatar
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    Yikes, I am getting all my news HERE today. These 2 events, Joe Cocker died....what else is happening?
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  12. #7
    My thoughts go out to the families, so tragic. One thing I hate about the holidays is as you get older you naturally connect more and more "bad" to them. You are going to collect small and large tragedies that happen this time over year and while they might not "build" up around some random day of the year or summer solstice we naturally continue to connect them and relive them around the holiday season.

    For those who have missed the tragedy being discussed:
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  14. #8
    Dinger of Hum Chronopolitano's Avatar
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    The whole freekin world is on fire these days. Everywhere. Sigh.
    I feel frivolous typing this in the comfort of my peaceful home.

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  16. #9
    A very sad day here in glasgow, thoughts go out to all those affected by this tragedy.

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  18. #10
    Higher Entity Jeannie's Avatar
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    I believe it is suspected the driver had a very badly timed medical event--heart attack or something.


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