Congratulations to all the entrants in November , and of course to our winner , whoever it will be.

The theme for December is 'Christmas (and anything related to the Christmas celebrations)'

The winner will receive the coveted photo comp badge:

or if you have it already then well done - you'll get a badge upgrade to:

Photo must be watch and Christmas-related (and all that that entails), entries up until sometime in the future

Apologies to anyone who doesn't actually celebrate Christmas for whatever reason.

*****ONE POST PER PERSON IN THIS THREAD ONLY. THIS POST WILL CONTAIN YOUR ONE AND ONLY PHOTO ENTRY. You may post a brief explanation with your photo, but no other posts or photos - they will simply be deleted. This is to make scrolling and voting easier at the end.

Please caption or name your photo too.

The winner gets the badge and might get an unwanted faulty Christmas Cracker

If you wanted to start the thread , you should have got in sooner, as soon as voting starts for the current month is when you can start the next month's comp....
If we waited for the management , we'd be waiting until January