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Thread: Welcome!

  1. #21
    Moderator G-Shock/Digital Sedi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Hi and welcome to everyone who joined! At the moment we are all newbies .

    cheers, Sedi

  2. Likes Jeannie, ash1979 liked this post
  3. #22
    It's good to be with the Guru's....

  4. #23
    So, this is where you've all been hiding! Glad I found you, and best of luck with the new forum - looks good...

  5. Likes iyonk liked this post
  6. #24
    Moderator G-Shock/Digital Sedi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Hi there, Stephen and Ash! Welcome aboard!

    cheers, Sedi

  7. #25
    I saw IWL mentioned at the "other" place and with some quick searching, found it. I was pretty new over there, too. I really like the forum here - very fast and no technical issues. Glad I found it!


  8. #26
    Member nelamvr6's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    New London, CT. USA
    Hey! A new G-Shock Forum! Hey guys!

  9. #27
    I had a problem with my email, but a big thanks to Gabe. He sent me a message from his personal email to help me get it straight. Anyway, I found the site and am very happy to be a new member.



  10. Likes deepsea_dweller liked this post
  11. #28

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