Nov 13, 2014, 02:58 PM
Not a Zombie
A couple of suggestions ( Iwill search to see if it possible to change)
Hey guys,I really appreciate the hard work you all put into setting this up. If I could, I would like to make a couple suggestions for those of us with bad eyes:
Font Colors-Grays on white are very hard for me to see. On registration I missed several fields because I could not read them and I find myself having to squint to read most posts (i will search more to see if I can change my view)
Registration -"Show you are not a robot" is very difficult to read Letters are sometimes to small or squished. Can you dial that back one level or offer an audio option. I seriously almost gave up
Rules- I saw the no weapons rule and while I'm not a big weapon guy, I do not se the harm in showing a watch with an EDC knife or even a gun collection as long as the images are not gratuitous.. Just a thought...
A suggestion box- Not sure if this would be a forum or a PM but it would be cool to filter suggestions in one spot.
If this is inappropriate please feel free to delete it, just thought Id throw my 2 cents in )
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Nov 13, 2014, 03:01 PM
Dan, I forwarded this to Admin. Thanks for the feedback. We are still tweaking and stuff like this helps.
Nov 14, 2014, 01:01 AM
Old but Crafty
We have the Suggestions Box up here at the top of the Forum.
Few things are more delightful than grandchildren fighting over your lap. ~Doug Larson
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Nov 14, 2014, 08:28 PM
Not a Zombie
Almost as if someone suggested it 

Originally Posted by
We have the Suggestions Box up here at the top of the Forum.
Post Thanks / Like - 2 Likes
Nov 14, 2014, 08:51 PM

Originally Posted by
Almost as if someone suggested it

This is the newer version of us. We have time to actually listen now.
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Nov 16, 2014, 11:52 PM
The Dude Abides
Yes a larger or more distinctive font with a contrasting background will keep me from getting renal failure prematurely.......
"Either He's Dead, Or My Watch Has Stopped....."
Groucho Marx
Nov 17, 2014, 03:21 AM
I can't find the suggestions box, so I'm just going to add to this thread.
My only question is on picture resolution. Avatars look terrible and for a watch forum, pictures in general don't seem to be crisp. We are after all an audience addicted to drooling over watches. Seeing them in the best resolution would be much appreciated.
B&M Capeland Flyback/Muhle Glashutte 29er Big/Grand Seiko SBGR083/JeanRichard Aquascope/UTS 1000m V2/Ebel 1911 BTR Cal137/Jaeger LeCoultre Reverso/Lew & Huey Acionna
Nov 17, 2014, 01:34 PM
Not a Zombie
You are soooo going to get this thread locked!!! (Would it be the first? How cool! We are Bad Ass Rod!!!
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk -
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Nov 17, 2014, 01:38 PM

Originally Posted by
I can't find the suggestions box, so I'm just going to add to this thread.
My only question is on picture resolution. Avatars look terrible and for a watch forum, pictures in general don't seem to be crisp. We are after all an audience addicted to drooling over watches. Seeing them in the best resolution would be much appreciated.
Read the stickies, noob! http://www.intlwatchleague.com/showt...uggestions-Box

Originally Posted by
You are soooo going to get this thread locked!!! (Would it be the first? How cool! We are Bad Ass Rod!!!
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk -
Tempting, tempting...
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Nov 17, 2014, 01:39 PM
Old but Crafty
What are you viewing on? Avatars and photos look OK to me but I have a big screen. We are limited a bit in bandwidth and capacity so for best results we suggest hosting on Photobucket or similar and linking here.
Few things are more delightful than grandchildren fighting over your lap. ~Doug Larson