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Thread: Obesity controversy

  1. #1
    Member CamB's Avatar
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    Obesity controversy

    Seems to be a bit of a bit of controversy over a show in Britain.

    This is a bit of the article that I found fascinating.

    FOR years, outspoken British TV personality Katie Hopkins has criticised overweight people — saying they’re fat because they’re lazy — and preaching that obesity can be solved by simply eating less and exercising more.

    And she’s willing to throw her weight behind her controversial opinion. Hopkins, 40, set out to nearly double her body weight, by consuming upwards of 4,000 calories a day for three months — and then losing the pounds in an attempt to prove her theory true.

    My question is whats so controversial about eating less and exercising more? Sure, there are discreet ways to get the message across but controversy? Because being overweight is becoming the norm, are people saying that its not their fault?
    Regards Cam

    Tudor Pelagos, Omega Speedmaster 3510.50, Oris 1965 Diver, Tissot Visodate, Junghans Max Bill Auto, Helson Blackbeard, Seiko PADI Turtle, Tag Heuer F1

  2. Likes M. Montaigne liked this post
  3. #2
    People over here usually give the excuse that they're big boned, or my ma and pa are big: it runs in the family..........

    ..It's too much food on the plate (and/or too much alcohol) and not enough exercise.

    It's not rocket science ..... or controversial


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  5. #3
    MWC is that my watch's Avatar
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    well I'm English and I have never heard of this woman katie hopkins and I think it's just fodder for the press on a quite day. I think as a world we are doing less and gain weight because of it .. I think where ever you live a certain amount of daily exercise is good for you that just common sense and what you see on shows like that is just a load of hot air and self promoting and in five minutes time we will have some other idiot on with some other kind of nonsenses
    Last edited by is that my watch; Jan 5, 2015 at 12:43 AM. Reason: autocorrect yeah right lol :)
    “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, teThe time is out of joint—O cursèd spite, That ever I was born to set it right!ars and sweat”

  6. #4
    her celebrity is very recent -having been a failed contestant on The Apprentice couple years ago -she was obnoxious then but she has taken that obnoxiousness to a new level - she could start an arguement with herself in a phone box

  7. Likes JAGtime liked this post
  8. #5
    Our very idea what constitutes being in shape is flawed. Because ancient caveman clearly downed a large latte and compensated for it with a run on concrete sidewalks.

    The truth is, being active and eating healthy are both lifestyle choices. You don't "decide" to workout more. You just become more active. That entails walking more, not watching TV, spending more time outdoors, hiking, climbing, sailing, playing sports, and being physically active. It entails consistently eating healthy, and saving indulgences for rare occasions.

    But culturally, we are inundated with fads and quick fix solutions. People also equate being thin with being healthy. Truth be told, skinny isn't sexy, and neither is fat. Being fit is sexy -- and more importantly, healthy.

    And people equate being fit and getting in shape with putting in some inconsistent amount effort on some silly gym equipment while downing large bottles of colored sugary liquids. Being fit isn't something you do overnight. You cultivate it over the years. It's moderation in everything, and it is a change in how you see your body.

    I am surprised at just how few people cook at home. Despite traveling lots, I keep my meals simple - meat, vegetables, fruit. Very little bread or processed foods. Not because I don't enjoy them, but precisely because I enjoy them too much. Limited amount of caffeine and alcohol.

    I am also surprised at how many people see workouts as chores. My workouts are a mixed variety - I climb, sail, run, and I go to the gym only as an absolute last resort, and only to build functional strength.

    I am often surprised when people ask me what my "secret" to staying in shape is. "Oh, you're so busy and have a new born, and yet you're in great shape! Must be your genetics - lucky you!" No, there is no secret. The truth is that I am so used to being careful about my diet that it's become a lifestyle, so eating healthy is something that comes naturally. Now, excess sugar disgusts me.

    The same thing goes for working out. If I don't do something physically active at least once a week, I feel like I am doing something wrong. My wife and I have hired a babysitter for all of Saturday pretty much so that we can both sleep in, get a nice brunch, and go rock climbing.

    The secret to success in anything is simple -- make it a habit.
    Last edited by M. Montaigne; Jan 5, 2015 at 01:27 AM.

  9. #6
    Member CamB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shameless View Post
    her celebrity is very recent -having been a failed contestant on The Apprentice couple years ago -she was obnoxious then but she has taken that obnoxiousness to a new level - she could start an arguement with herself in a phone box
    Yeh i'd never heard of her. Obviously she is very blunt with her views. I just found it fascinating that the writer of the article would say that this is controversial. I'm sure that there a few obese people who have medical conditions that contribute but surely the overwhelming majority eat very badly and do no exercise at all.
    Regards Cam

    Tudor Pelagos, Omega Speedmaster 3510.50, Oris 1965 Diver, Tissot Visodate, Junghans Max Bill Auto, Helson Blackbeard, Seiko PADI Turtle, Tag Heuer F1

  10. #7
    Moderator - Central tribe125's Avatar
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    It's just a bit of media fluff, and most of the population is blissfully unaware of Katie Hopkins.

  11. #8
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    Who thinks that eating right and exercising will not lead to losing weight?

  12. #9
    MWC is that my watch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CamB View Post
    Yeh i'd never heard of her. Obviously she is very blunt with her views. I just found it fascinating that the writer of the article would say that this is controversial. I'm sure that there a few obese people who have medical conditions that contribute but surely the overwhelming majority eat very badly and do no exercise at all.
    well yes with fast food joints everywhere and an ad campaign running in England with don't cook just eat( it's an advertisement for different fast foods ) . unhealthy eating is on the rise we need to start teach kids how to cook proper foods then burgers and chips or pizza. think as mr.m said it is a way of life style every thing in moderation. baby steps at the start if you use the bus in the morning walk to the next stop when you finish work hoping off the bus a stop early and walk home that little bit further it just little things .

    yes alcohol is a major factor they say like a pint of beer is like the equivalent of three Sunday dinners in cal's.... I think it's more an educational thing of eating smart think healthy.

    so yes I suppose if you are a lazy arse then you will be unfitted and unhealthy it more to do with the way you look at things and as mr.m said working out should be fun you should get a buzz and feel great It's not a chore if it is you are doing it wrong
    “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, teThe time is out of joint—O cursèd spite, That ever I was born to set it right!ars and sweat”

  13. #10
    MWC is that my watch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tribe125 View Post
    It's just a bit of media fluff, and most of the population is blissfully unaware of Katie Hopkins.
    well I was one but then I hate reality shows can't stand the mindless dribble
    “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, teThe time is out of joint—O cursèd spite, That ever I was born to set it right!ars and sweat”

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