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View Poll Results: Which of these options would you be most likely to wear over the next 20?

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  • post # 10 by CFR

    3 21.43%
  • post # 12 by Mikey Lacroix

    2 14.29%
  • post # 17 by timekeeper

    0 0%
  • post # 22 by shemp

    3 21.43%
  • post # 40 by OrangeSport

    1 7.14%
  • post # 56 by Chase

    2 14.29%
  • post # 78 by Little Big Feather

    1 7.14%
  • post # 26 by Nutty26

    1 7.14%
  • post # 79 by Mr At

    1 7.14%
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Thread: 1 brand, 3 watch challenge, phase 2, continued!

  1. #1

    1 brand, 3 watch challenge, phase 2, continued!

    As much as I enjoy handing out red cards, for this next phase of the challenge, I decided to keep everyone in the competition. Besides, if I had been as strict as I normally am there would've only been only a handful of eligible entries. Only the first entry will be considered for anyone who entered more than one, and the rule regarding having to own one of the watches had to be adhered to.

    This is the original thread: IWL Challenge: 1 brand, 3 watches, all you need for 20 years!

    I have lumped the entries into 4 different group with the brands with the most entries dominating each of them. Now to the polls!

    Next up, the Rolex Group:

    There are 9 entries in this poll. Two more will follow over the next few days. Each poll will be open 5 days. The winners of each poll will face off against each other in the next phases.

    Please refer to the original thread and vote for the entry you would be most willing to wear exclusively over the next 20 years. I will post copies of the posts mentioned in this poll.If your entry is in this poll, feel free to promote your choices as you wish.

    P.S. Please remember to vote in this poll:
    1 Brand 3 watch Challenge Phase 2

    Last edited by Col Angus; Jan 31, 2015 at 02:03 AM.

  2. #2
    post # 10 by CFR

    Chronograph, because I've always had one and I actually use it:

    when water is taken into consideration:

    alarm wrist watch - casual

    These watches are in my collection.

  3. #3
    post # 12 by mikeylacroix

  4. #4
    post # 17 by timekeeper

    may be able to sport my DSSD for the next 20 years but if $ is no objectand

  5. #5
    post # 22 by shemp

    This is a great excuse (since money is no object) to get my grubby paws on a 1655. I'd add my DJ 16200, then Explorer 1 14270. This is good for 20 years, plus 20 more. (borrowed pics except for DJ)

  6. #6
    post # 40 by OrangeSport

    Rolex for me. I love the brand.

    Casual wear: Submariner 14060M (already owned)

    Smarter / office wear: GMT II in yellow gold with a green face

    Dress wear: Cellini Dual Time in the below colour combination

    I only own one of these as I try to keep to one of each make in my collection.

  7. #7
    post # 56 by Chase

    I'm going with the Tudor family. I know, big shocker there. I assume the tie in with Rolex doesn't count otherwise I would draw one piece from there as well.

    Pelagos (own)

    Heritage Chrono (own)

    Advisor (round out the three watch line up)

  8. Likes Chase liked this post
  9. #8
    post # 78 by Little Big Feather

    These two I own, the other would be a Cellini, sorry I don't know how to add that to this...
    Got it!!

  10. #9
    post # 26 by Nutty28

    Ok, I will play.....

    My "collection" approach is to avoid any similar look and feel. This has helped me greatly in minimizing any impulsive purchases.

    I would pick JLC in this instance ( I already the first two shown)

    JLC Navy Seals Alarm - badass, and tough enough to take most beating (based on my definition of course)

    JLC Reverso 986 Duo - I can wear this on most formal occasions, and yet versatile enough to be worn with jeans if need be., or an evening night out.

    JLC Master Ultra Thin - when the occasion calls for a dressy piece, this will meet the mark. Hopefully, I can own this beauty in the next 2 years.

  11. #10
    post # 79 by Mr At

    I have to say, the requirement to own one of them was a surprisingly challenging twist. I'll go with these:

    JLC Grande Reverso Ultra Thin Duoface

    JLC Master Ultra Thin 41 in pink gold

    JLC Memovox Tribute to Deep Sea (I think this is the European version)

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