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Thread: WHY !?

  1. #1

    WHY !?

    Why, do I now want a Union Glashütte Viro Datum ???

    Example pics:

    Name:  front.jpg
Views: 403
Size:  148.6 KB

    Name:  whiteunion.jpg
Views: 355
Size:  48.4 KB

    Name:  unionback.jpg
Views: 384
Size:  64.8 KB

    Yes, yes, I know all of that, but ..... ^^^^

  2. #2
    Savagely Average
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    Nov 2014
    Cloud 9
    Because it is gorgeous?

  3. Likes Seriously, JAGtime, gnuyork, popoki nui liked this post
  4. #3
    Good answer

    ..... You're not helping

  5. Likes popoki nui liked this post
  6. #4
    Mountebank MarkO's Avatar
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    Turks and Caicos Islands
    Quote Originally Posted by Mediocre View Post
    Because it is gorgeous?

    And because it's an obsession, which is why you are here in the first place!
    MB2, SOH, Aquascope, Tangente, MM300, Blackbay, North Flag, Officer, Visitor.

  7. #5
    Savagely Average
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    Cloud 9
    Ah, you were looking for something more along the lines of....

    Because it has a combination of classic, almost vintage, styling combined with modern charm?


    Because it is an understated, classy watch that could be worn in most any situation?

  8. Likes Seriously, JAGtime liked this post
  9. #6
    Because you need a watch?

  10. Likes Seriously, Der Amf, JAGtime, iyonk, Bwana liked this post
  11. #7
    They're a bit for that style, no?
    There's a lot of dial there. I prefer the (same sized...) sleeker Noramis models.

  12. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Enabler1
    Ah, you were looking for something more along the lines of....
    Because it has a combination of classic, almost vintage, styling combined with modern charm?
    Because it is an understated, classy watch that could be worn in most any situation?
    Quote Originally Posted by Enabler2
    Because you need a watch?

  13. Likes Mediocre, CFR, JAGtime liked this post
  14. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Enabler3
    They're a bit for that style, no?
    That's irellyvent
    I still want it.

  15. #10
    Do you do numbers?

  16. Likes MarkO liked this post

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