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Thread: Life after BB

  1. #1

    Life after BB

    Is there such a thing ??

    I watched the 1st two seasons of Breaking Bad back in January at my ex's .... then a couple of weeks ago thought I NEED to see the next season !!, so I bought a 2nd hand copy of the box set on ebay for a £5... quickly got through that .... then thought I've GOT to get the last 3 seasons..... so I arranged for someone to get me the boxed set for my birthday.
    I had it given to me early because I was ill with a bad cold/flu.....

    Now I watched it and thought it was just too awesome ............. it kept me glued for so many hours.

    Soooooooooo....... what's next after Breaking Bad ???

    Any clues ?

  2. #2
    Super Member Raza's Avatar
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    I didn't like Breaking Bad. It suffered from a dearth of likable characters (Jesse and Saul, really the only ones) and grudgingly slow pace. An okay show, but by the end of the second season I wanted to kill the actors, let alone the characters.

    Have you tried Justified? There's always Better Call Saul.

  3. #3
    Although I loved the character of Saul in BB, I think it had its place and time within BB..... although that obviously comes from a standpoint of not even giving it a try.

    grudgingly slow pace
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    dearth of likable characters
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    What about Walter himself ?, although I'm prejudiced - I liked him already from Malcolm in the middle.

    and Walter Junior , and Jessie's homies ?

  4. #4
    Super Member Raza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seriously View Post
    Although I loved the character of Saul in BB, I think it had its place and time within BB..... although that obviously comes from a standpoint of not even giving it a try.

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    What about Walter himself ?, although I'm prejudiced - I liked him already from Malcolm in the middle.

    and Walter Junior , and Jessie's homies ?
    I wanted to beat Walter to death with Jessie's friends. Then use his dead body to choke those guys to death. Walter Junior was eh, not likable, not unlikable. Annoying, though as a teenager, that's to be expected.

    Walter was the kind of non-committing narcissist that is the embodiment of some of the worst characteristics of people. He couldn't choose who to be, even until the very end, and he was so proud and arrogant that he destroyed everyone around him. I smiled when he saw his end, only saddened by the fact he slightly redeemed himself, but glad he was not given the satisfaction of redemption.

  5. #5
    It was never ever gonna be the Waltons though was it?

    I loved it

    Only in the last couple of episodes did I notice a very very slight loss of way, as if the writers knew they had to end it ... but were struggling to say when and/or how .... but it all came good in the end I thought...

    Maybe they just didn't have enough for another season?..... but all in all I loved it

    Walter's character was supposed to be one that changed over the seasons .... from someone who didn't really take chances , to someone who really didn't care who or what got in his way ....

  6. #6
    Member pepperami's Avatar
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    For a minute there I thought BB was in reference to Big Brother!

    Totally agree, fantastic show! I was so deflated when I completed the marathon over Christmas 2013!

    The wire series 1 was brill, tried to stick it out but lost interest during series 2 but I'm assured it's worth sticking with, when I have a spare fortnight I'll give it another go

  7. Likes Seriously liked this post
  8. #7
    If you're not up to speed on Boardwalk Empire or True Detective I'd recommend those HBO series to you.

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  10. #8
    I haven't been able to get beyond the first couple of episodes of Breaking Bad.

  11. #9
    Moderator gnuyork's Avatar
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    I've never attempted to watch the show.

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  13. #10
    Bone Collector Bwana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ljb187 View Post
    If you're not up to speed on Boardwalk Empire or True Detective I'd recommend those HBO series to you.
    I agree both are great shows, True Detective is over tho for me...a whole new cast in season 2, McConaughey and Harrelson aren't returning which destroys the show.

    I'd have a look at Game Of Thrones too, although this is it's last season also....HBO is the shizzle for great TV. Of course Deadwood & Rome are great shows too, available on DVD,,,,,I have all of the shows entirety, gifted from others.
    Last edited by Bwana; Mar 14, 2015 at 02:59 AM.

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