Mar 28, 2015, 11:00 PM
What do I want for my birthday?
So, my mom asked me what I want for my birthday. It's the worst question these days. I have most of what I want except for things I wouldn't want as a gift, you know? But she wants to get me a thing, not just cash, as per usual.
Things I don't need:
Another watch
Another messenger bag
Bottle opener
Pen (this is actually my pen...http://shop.coolmaterial.com/product...d-aluminum-pen)
Any ideas? My first thought is a Steve McQueen themed gift array. LeMans, Magnificent Seven, Thomas Crown, et al all on Blu Ray, a Steve McQueen coffee table book, you know, stuff like that.
Last edited by Raza; Mar 28, 2015 at 11:07 PM.
Mar 28, 2015, 11:24 PM
Some people have opinions - The rest of us have taste.
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Mar 29, 2015, 12:17 AM
If you like mystery I would get Hercule Poirot Collection on blue-ray, not cheap though but a great gift
Mar 29, 2015, 01:36 AM
Original Gangsta
How about ties, cuff links, or a nice suit or blazer?
Or maybe a book or a leather portfolio?
Mar 29, 2015, 02:56 AM
The Complete Calvin & Hobbes book set. Sixty bux on Amazon.
The Complete Cartoons of the New Yorker, thirty bones on Amazon.
My resmithed, hard chromed, low mileage Nighthawk 1911, price negotiable.
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Mar 29, 2015, 03:17 AM
Got sunglasses? Summer's coming, you're a Steve McQueen fan. Persol 649 or 714.

Sorry, I'm not trying to bleed Mrs. Raza dry, here. These frames go for around three hundred bucks. Or a nice pair of RayBan Wayfarers. They would be around half that figure.
Happy Birthday!
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Mar 29, 2015, 03:27 AM
Big Member
In this case I am referring to the strap.

That's a great pen btw. Any idea if it takes roller gel inserts? Or fine felt tips?
Mar 29, 2015, 03:36 AM
what about a ticket to Liverpool next European fixture
Mar 29, 2015, 03:50 AM
Have her contribute to a charity in your name.
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Mar 29, 2015, 04:02 AM
Maybe let her treat you on a day out with her! You will be giving her the bigger gift, your time. Moms aren't around forever.
Omega Speedmaster Ed White
Omega PO Chrono 45
Rolex DSSD
Seiko Pogue gold
Deep Blue diver
Zodiac oceanaire
many Citizen and Seiko from the years.
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