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Thread: Thrift store scores!

  1. #1

    Thrift store scores!

    Hey Cats,

    Found these at Value Village for a total of $4.

    The Mickey watch is a modern interpretation but it's a Mickey watch none the less. This came from a Disney store because it has the official Disney store stamp.


  2. Likes shameless, hayday liked this post
  3. #2
    MWC is that my watch's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    came for a look stayed for the biskwits
    lol you seem to find thing better over in america all I found for the same price was 3 Clive Clusser and 1 Jack Ryan books haha when my mate blanchy is over in las vagas he will have to have a look around these thrift stores as they are call and see what he can see haha
    “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, teThe time is out of joint—O cursèd spite, That ever I was born to set it right!ars and sweat”

  4. Likes Blanchy, OhDark30 liked this post
  5. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by is that my watch View Post
    lol you seem to find thing better over in america all I found for the same price was 3 Clive Clusser and 1 Jack Ryan books haha when my mate blanchy is over in las vagas he will have to have a look around these thrift stores as they are call and see what he can see haha
    Thanks for your comment. For future reference, I'm Canadian


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  7. #4
    Missing manual. BlackNomad's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Ottawa, ON, Canada.
    Bulova in the box? Awesome find.

  8. #5
    Oops sorry, just the box. The Oceanographer I already had.


  9. #6
    reminds me of a thread i started when i found a great vintage Omega box at a fair -the seller didnt know its value and i didn't inform him so i got it cheap !!- incredibly some enlightened members with higher moral standards suggested i had acted 'shamelessly' by not doing so i certainly hope you informed the seller of its true value before purchasing that great vintage Bulova box

  10. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by shameless View Post
    reminds me of a thread i started when i found a great vintage Omega box at a fair -the seller didnt know its value and i didn't inform him so i got it cheap !!- incredibly some enlightened members with higher moral standards suggested i had acted 'shamelessly' by not doing so i certainly hope you informed the seller of its true value before purchasing that great vintage Bulova box
    What I did do is show it to my Bud tonight who I've been educating about most things watches and he said he saw it there but left it. I then told him any watch box of a storied brand is collectable especially vintage ones such as this one. ☺


  11. Likes shameless liked this post
  12. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Preston View Post
    What I did do is show it to my Bud tonight who I've been educating about most things watches and he said he saw it there but left it. I then told him any watch box of a storied brand is collectable especially vintage ones such as this one. ☺

    certainly on two occasions i have come across a great box that went under the seller's radar and purposely gone out to find the correct watch for the box

  13. #9
    I'd like to know what this may have held, it would be darn cool!


  14. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Preston View Post
    I'd like to know what this may have held, it would be darn cool!

    seems to be very similar to boxes that housed the Accutron

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