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    In 1983 and 1984 series begins serial production of modernized quartz
    Kozlov BI Born on October 5, 1938 in Moscow. In 1970 he graduated from the Moscow Machine Tool Institute. At the plant since 1958, after the end of PTU - a mechanic, foreman of special products, the deputy chief of department, head of OTC. S1986, the head of the State Standard of the USSR on gospriemka 2MCHZ later worked in the State Standard.
    watches (ELF) 30 mm (mod. 3056A), which were significantly superior to the previous model (3050) in its reliability, accuracy, and autonomy and allowed to regain the confidence of the buyer to the quartz watch, was lost from the acquisition of the previous model (hours of this model were produced before 1994 - the height of the mechanism of 4.2 mm, the current consumption of less than 4 mA, the average diurnal variation (1 sec., the autonomy of 18 months, the power supply type SC - 0.12 mA h. The other characteristics are similar to the model 3050), and 23 caliber mm (model 2356 hours: privёdenny platinum size 24 x 20 mm, height of 2.5 mm. Average daily rate (1 sec., autonomy - not less than 1 year; power supply type SO 0.03 mA hours at an average current consumption of no more than 1.55 mA, with zeroing and conservation regime 0.5 uA; second, minute and hour countdown, move the second hand - 1 sec). In the next 1985 begins production of watches 23 mm with calendar dates are not instantaneous (mod. 2360). The clock 23 caliber produced until 1997, and even more strengthened the position of ELF in the market.
    Mod.2356 mechanism design is shown in Scheme 2.
    Following the turn of wrist watches quartz alarm clock. Their mass production begins in 1985 with the development of the model 57208 Orlovsky SKB hours (author of the project and head of SKB - Panfilov VM). Mechanism 57208: Dimensions 60h58h1 mm; rated supply voltage of 1.5 V; Average daily rate 2 sec .; current consumption of 70 mA; at the time of second axis 188 ...;autonomy with battery 373 - 1 year.
    “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, teThe time is out of joint—O cursèd spite, That ever I was born to set it right!ars and sweat”

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    In 1986 he was commissioned assembly line of quartz alarm clock, fully developed and manufactured by the factory OMA (author of the Lats FK) and which allowed to collect up to 5 thousand. Alarms and replace. According to many experts it constructive solution was one of the best in the automation of assembly household clocks.
    In 1990, on the basis of the mechanism of 57208 created a mechanism quartz wall and table clocks with the same characteristics, but greater autonomy, since there were no alarm function. At its base was produced in conjunction with the software "Gzhel" a large collection of clocks, enjoyed high demand from buyers.
    Later, in 1994 - 1995 years, was upgraded this alarm, which became a model 56208 (dimensions 64,5h64,5h37,3 mm - with external design) with almost the same specifications, but in the production cost significantly by reducing the number of parts and nodes.
    In 1986, on the main floor for rent in operation, built hozsposobom, body stepper motors, which were placed specific elements of the technology of their production (winding coil bd, its connection with other parts, testing, etc.). Also in this shop made for non-core plant variable capacitors for tele-radio equipment.
    And later in the factory paid great attention to the development of non-core products, the latest of which were mastered by the counting mechanism of water meters in the most difficult moment in its history, together with the Moscow factory "Vodopribor" and with the active participation of its Chief Engineer Anatoly Zinoviev , a great patriot of its plant . In 1998, were utilized in the production of experimental mechanisms for meters of cold and hot water, and subsequently heat meters. Nomenclature countable mechanisms and main characteristics are shown in the table and dimensions and connection dimensions in Figure 3.
    In May 1987, the Director General of the NGO "Second Watch Factory" was appointed Vladimir Korolev."Getting it to the leadership of the union in a difficult period. Were devastated and broken workflows, there was no clock in the control and test stations, fell sharply the volume of output.
    The first steps of the new head of the team was forced to believe in him and follow him. Already in the III quarter of the plant coped with the planned
    Korolev, VM was born in 1947 in the town of Uglich, Yaroslavl region. He graduated in 1970 Ryazan raditehnichesky Institute.Since 1972, at Uglich Watch Factory - Foreman, foreman, head of quartz resonators, Deputy Director for Operations. Since April 1985 - Chief Engineer - Deputy Head Soyuzchasproma, Soyuzyuvelirproma.Awarded the Order "Badge of Honor" and "For Service to the Fatherland IV degree."
    assignment; in the IV quarter of the staff worked very hard and produced products with an increase against the level of the 1st quarter of this year by 17%. Was achieved productivity gains of 9.5%, to fulfill a contractual obligation to supply. The Director-General boldly about the future: a new department organized CAD currency funds allocated for the purchase of computer equipment for the leading departments and services.
    Working under the new management mechanism, using elements such as full cost accounting and self-financing, gospriёmka, the transition to new conditions of remuneration, staff associations, led by Korolev VM, the cost of enormous efforts to provide basic tasks in 1987 ". (From the official correspondence with the parent organization).
    However, despite the apparent successful steps in 1987, in February - October 1988 "Moskovsky Komsomolets" (Article "Ruble contention" №№ 30, 52, 63 by 5.02, 2.03, 16.03, 1988), there is a series of articles , flip the situation at the plant "upside down."
    DO NOT going to analyze the negative aspects of the articles, it will adversely affect the strenuous work of the collective. I want to say how great the influence of the media on the minds of large groups, in this case is extremely negative.And how could it be otherwise, when t.Moroz - correspondent of the newspaper - is not based on facts and figures, and the factory gossip heard in the smoking room of the plant. By the way, the next a similar article about the enterprises of city of Moscow she was dismissed from the office.
    In 1989godu begins the last stage in the renewal of quartz watches at the factory. Alternately mastered developed NIIchaspromom ELF model 1356 (with seconds hand), 1358 (no second hand). Finally in 1991, the ELF 1656 model, the mechanism of which was the basis for subsequent export. Its production reached almost 1 million pieces per year, and production technology were introduced such unique processes like punching a wheel system in platinum, cutting wheel gear tooth at a technological transition, and finally pasting the stator stepper motor belt type " Scotch "(Designer Nazarov) and others. All of them have been developed and manufactured by 2MCHZ - technology, software tools and workers OMA.
    “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, teThe time is out of joint—O cursèd spite, That ever I was born to set it right!ars and sweat”

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    Considering that in addition to the dimensions of the mechanisms were similar characteristics, will bring them only for the model 1656, which is either the clock which produced until 1998. The above caliber - 16 mm; dimensions platinum 15,3h18,1 mm; the height of the 3 mm; average current consumption at a supply voltage of 1.55 (0.5 to not more than 2.0 mA (0.5 mA for zeroing) external stepper motor, the frequency of the crystal oscillator 32768 Hz.
    In the same year begins production of mechanical watches and model 2416, which differs from the 2427 mechanism in height (6.12 mm); one calendar momentary lack of adapter ring for fixing the dial, which opens up new perspectives in the development of modern waterproof (elevated Water resistant) hours. These watches have successfully produced currently in various (quite specific and original) types of external design, including housings made ​​of titanium alloys and buyers are high, steady demand.
    In 1991, after studying in Switzerland, it was decided to purchase the firm "Albras" (head of the firm, Mr. Baumgartner) equipment and technology for the production of genuine leather straps for wristwatches.
    The head of the future plot was appointed chief of bureau CDP, a former rugby player, a member of the "star" team "Glory" Wircer Vladimir Borisovich. It should be noted that many of the players of the team "Glory" after "training" a great sport for age, were working on 2MCHZ: Chief PDO - Master of Sports Boyko Lukyanovich; chief technologist - Master of Sports Barbariush Alex E.; Chief of PEO - Khavroshkin Alexei Petrovich; Deputy General Director - Gleb V. Psarev. Appointment to the post of Chief of section straps Wircer VB, the author's opinion, was the best.
    The resulting equipment and technology were quickly mastered and began production of straps, not inferior to the straps of the European level.
    Later, in 1996, a period of limited distribution, there is a logical transformation of the plant site in JSC "Straps" because kaktehprotsess was completely closed, non-production hours, and logistics and distribution of finished products initially engaged in the management of this site .
    In 1994, together with the Leningrad n / I was developed and implemented a method termoakkusticheskoy processing (authors Nikitin NE, Bogdanov V. Zakharov, AV, Golyzhenkov VV) patent number 5057243102 from 15.02.92g.watchmaking tools and parts of watches and alarm clocks, .pozvolivshy a significant economic effect by increasing tool life by at least 10% and a significant reduction in return for warranty service hours for certain types of defect types. [43]
    Thus, at the beginning of reforms MPO "2MCHZ" to produce more than ten million pieces of household hours (in the history of the plant produced more than 330 million. Pieces), on it employed more than 10 thousand. Man.Over the years, exports reached 50%, including England, France, Canada. In addition to industrial buildings with modern facilities, including import, on the balance of the plant was subsistence farming in the area g.Ruza, kindergartens and nurseries, summer camp near Moscow, a summer kindergarten Savior Torbeevo, recreation center in the village on the banks of Vardane near the Black Sea city of Sochi; near the village on the banks of Vodniki Klyazma near Moscow recreation center with two steamers, yacht club, boat, boat station for the rest of factory workers. Had its own stadium and gymnasium, where exercise regularly more than 3 thousand. Man.Factory - kitchen and dining room fully provided factory workers tasty and inexpensive lunch. Since 1967, operated a museum of military and labor glory, which was led by Council of the museum.
    Most of the time the plants also have modern production base and the social sphere.
    Therefore, "to the top of the tuning process was created the largest watch sub-sector, which is almost completely satisfy the needs of the population in the household clock and timing devices industry in special applications, as well as exported to 35% of total production in the various countries of the world. Subsector worked with high efficiency, contributing to the budget of all levels on 3 rubles per 1 ruble of wages paid. "
    2nd Moscow Watch Factory on the right could be considered the flagship of this sub-sector.
    “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, teThe time is out of joint—O cursèd spite, That ever I was born to set it right!ars and sweat”

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    here is the original link in the mother's tongue lol
    “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, teThe time is out of joint—O cursèd spite, That ever I was born to set it right!ars and sweat”

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    Second half of the XV century. 1404 – Lazar Serbin, a monk, made the first tower clock for the Moscow Kremlin by request of the Great Prince Vasiliy. Only the words of praise in the Troitskaya chronicle about the mechanism made by the watchmaker remain today. Chronicles mentioned the installation of the first tower clock in Moscow as an event of national importance.

    XVI century. Clocks decorated towers of many fortresses and monasteries of the Russian state. In 1539, Semen Solovetskiy, a watchmaker from Novgorod, made a tower clock for the Solovetskiy Monastery. Its striking mechanism beat quarters of an hour, half-hours and hours, day and night hours separately. The mechanism was made with exceptional professionalism, its construction and technical structure was in no way inferior to European samples. This watch worked until the beginning of the XX century. Mechanisms of clocks of the Nickolo-Pervinskiy monastery made by watchmaker Ryazantsev and other clocks have been preserved in museums until today.

    XVII century. There was an independent category of craftsmen watchmakers in Moscow. A “chamber Tzar’s clockmaker and goldsmith“ Moisey Terentiev, who made a finger-ring with a watch for a tsar in 1620, was famous. For the tzar Alexei Mikhailovich, father of Peter the 1st, Russian craftsmen made an original powder-flask with a clock that has survived until now.

    First half of the XVIII century. Watchmakers and jewelers of the XVIII were true virtuosos. They spent years in scrupulous work over creation of some unique piece – as a result, clocks cost very much, were regarded as items of luxury and were affordable only for crowned heads and for very rich people. A mantelpiece clock of gilded bronze in the shape of a lyre was made for Katherine the Second decorated by her portrait in a medallion. Its pompous, solemn form underlined significance and grandeur of the august person. A clock made by Ivan Petrovich Kulibin, a self-taught genius, consists of 427 parts, but the whole complicated mechanism fits into a case as big as a goose-egg.

    Second half of the XVIII century. The clock “Temple of Glory” made in 1793–1800 according to drawings of a talented mechanic, Mikhail Egorovich Medox, became the pride of Russian mechanics and artists. Medox dedicated his clock to Katherine the Second. This is a big bronze gilded clock with a complicated mechanism. The face is surrounded by crystal twisted tubes, which, when rotating, created an impression of a sunlight aureole. At both sides of the disk, there are columns with figures of female eagles feeding their eaglets. Every two hours doors of the temple opened and an ancient melody sounded. The Bronnikovs, carvers-craftsmen, carved clocks of different wood species: cases – of burl (tumors growing on tree trunks), mechanisms, faces and chains – of boxwood, and hands – of honeysuckle. In the best clock made by the Bronnikovs even the spring is carved out of wood. Clocks made by the clockmaker Mikhail Evlampievich Perkhin – one of the best craftsmen of the Faberge jeweler company – were equally unique. The clocks made by Perkhin, as well as many Easter surprise items, made by the firm, were egg-shaped.

    1769–1778. By direction of Katherine the Second, two clock-making factories – in Moscow and Saint Petersburg – were founded. The major part of the products of the Saint Petersburg factory were used for rewards, as gifts for special services and honors. The clocks were made in small quantities in a gold case, with brilliants, with repetition (chimes), coach clocks were also made.

    1784–1804. G. A. Potyomkin organized in his estate, Dubrovna, a factory school where 33 pupils from serfs were taught clock-making. The enterprise made clocks “of all sorts”, both pocket watches and wall striking clocks not inferior to West European samples.

    First half of the XIX century. 1815 – House of Pavel Bure is founded. Later Bure will be granted the title of “supplier of the Emperor’s Court” and will become estimator of “His Imperial Majesty”. The tsarist government purchased watches for rewards in the army – with engravings on the clocks respective to the combat arm of the rewarded person. 1826 – Henry Mozer, a Swiss, founded in Saint Petersburg a watch-making company. Making of faces and cases and assembly of clocks were effected by Russian craftsmen. Names of individual craftsmen D. Tolstoy, I. Mezgin, I. Nosov etc. are also known.

    Second half of the XIX century. 1859 – In accordance with calculations of Petr Vasilievich Khavskiy (1771–1876), a historian, a jurist and a specialist in Russian chronology, a prototype of a modern clock with zone type – “Indicator of time of the whole globe from the side of the North pole” – was made. In a quarter of a century after Khavskiy created his “time indicator”, representatives of 26 states in Washington made a decision about introduction of zone time with a single zero Greenwich meridian. 1867 – production of tower clocks organized by the company “Friedrich Winter”. In 1896, at the All-Russian Exhibition of Industry and Art in Niznhiy Novgorod, the clocks were given the highest reward – the Gold medal. 1868 – Victor Gabu opens a firm (a house of trade), which later became one of the most famous ones. End of the century – clock boom in Russia; since 1875 a clock factory was founded in a village of Sharapovo by V. Platov and G. Afanasiev. The Moscow factory of P. Dmitriev. Faberge orders clock mechanisms from Bure and Mozer. At the end of the XIX century, rates of production of clocks in Russia began to accelerate. Clock factories emerge in Moscow, Saint Petersburg and some other cities and towns. And if at the beginning of the century clocks were assembled from parts brought from abroad, then by that moment factories began to produce everything necessary for clock mechanism assembly by themselves. Clocks became an item of wide consumption and mass production.

    First half of the XX century. 1900 – Professor N. Zavadskiy founded the first clock-making educational institution in Saint Petersburg (since 1922 – Leningrad Institute of Precise Mechanics and Engineering).
    “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, teThe time is out of joint—O cursèd spite, That ever I was born to set it right!ars and sweat”

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    Poljot (1st Moscow Watch Factory)

    - Cornavin
    - Kirovskie
    - Mayak
    - Moskva
    - Pobeda
    - Poljot
    - Rodina
    - Sekonda
    - Signal
    - Sportivnie
    - Sputnik
    - Stolichnie
    - Strela
    - Sturmanskie

    Bolshevik Revolution

    Watch industry in the Czar Russia consisted just of several small workshops and enterprises. They usually assembled watches using watch parts made abroad. After the 1917 Bolshevik revolution, the entire watch industry became a part of the “Trust of Precision Mechanics”. These were mainly production facilities, work shops, and warehouses of watch parts and half-finished products which belonged to famous manufacturers such as P. Bure, G. Mozer, Reinin, Dmitriev, and others before the revolution.

    The Formative Years

    By 1926, the supply of watches and watch parts had run out, but the demand for watches by the army, the navy, the railways and ordinary people was on the increase. To meet the demand, the USSR started to buy watches and watch parts from abroad paying in gold. To further correct the shortage of watches, on December 20th 1927 the Soviet government made a decision to establish and develop a watch industry. On December 21st, the Council of Labor and Defense passed a resolution “About How to Organize Watch Production in the USSR.”

    At the same time an offer to buy an ailing Duber Hempton watch factories was received from the United States. On April 26th 1929 two purchase contracts were signed. The first one was for the $325,000 purchase of the watch factory with an output of 200 to 250 thousand watches per year. The second, $135,000 contract was for the purchase of spare parts and the half-finished products. After the deal was sealed, a steamboat with American equipment left for Russia in April 1930. Simultaneously, construction of the factory’s main block was already in progress on the previous location of the Krasnaja Zvevda (Red Star) Tobacco Factory on the Voronczovskaja street in Moscow. The factory’s main block was finished within a dramatically short period of time. The work started in February 1930 from digging a foundation pit and finished in June 1930 with the main block construction completed. Installation of main equipment was finished by September 15th of the same year. The factory was named the First State Watch Factory or the 1st SWF (1?? ???). Later it was called the First Moscow Watch Factory or the 1st MWF (1?? ???). Thus, even some of the Poljot watches produced today are sold under the 1st MWF mark.

    To start production, four types of watches were chosen: a man’s pocket watch with 15 jewels for the enterprises of the Narkomat (Ministry) of Means of Communications, a man’s wristwatch with 7 jewels for the Red Army; a man’s pocket watch with 7 jewels and a ladies wristwatch with 15 jewels to be sold in the market. The first creation of this new factory were pocket watches called “the 1st type” or K43 with a side seconds hand.

    Although at the start, the factory needed some technical help from the American and the German specialists, after two years, it was able to resolve most of the technical issues and continued to develop independently. Almost from the beginning the 1st SWF exported its watches and soon after launch, new production development was started. According to the order of the Chief Military Aviation Administration, airplane board clocks were produced, and in June 1932 a decision to organize stopwatches production was made.

    In the same year technical renovation and production line upgrades were started. In 1935 – 36 the factory received over 120 new machining tools from several world’s leading companies and some equipment was made by the factory itself. By 1936 the number of machining tools had increased by 1.5 times. On December 16th 1935, Mr. M. Kalinin signed a resolution to award the name of Sergey Mironovich Kirov to the 1st SWF. From 1935 until 1941, the 1st SWF Kirova produced about 2.7 million of the “1st type” pocket and wristwatches. Today, a line of Aviator and Buran watches is sold under the “1st MWF Kirova” trademark.

    Aviation and WWII

    The history of the First Moscow Watch Factory is indissolubly connected with the history of Russian and Soviet aviation. All Soviet battle airplanes of that period were equipped with the airborne clocks made by the 1st MWF Kirova. The Red Air Force pilots and navigators flew with watches on their wrists with the “The 1st MWF Kirova” and later the “Poljot” trademarks. Before WWII aviation clocks, stopwatches, navigator wristwatches, automobile mechanical and electric charging watches, navy chronometers, ship deck watches and other watch movements were put into production for the benefit of the national economy.

    During the Second World War production defense such as ammunition, aviation glass, aviation clocks, navy and aviation chronometers and some parts for the first Katyusha (lorry-mounted multiple rocket launcher) was organized in the factory.

    The War had not yet ended when the factory started peaceful production: in 1943 it started to make machining tools for the watch industry again, and in 1944 – fire-place, table and automobile clocks were produced. In April 1945 the factory stopped ammunition production and started preparation for a new K26 Pobeda (Victory) watch model. Production of the Pobeda with a side seconds hand started in 1946. Josef Stalin approved the name, design and specifications of this watch personally. The watch became very popular, as the 1st MWF was making the K26 model until 1953; and today, it is still in production in other factories around the country.

    Gagarin and Space

    In 1949, the Shturmanskie (Navigator’s) watches were put into production. They were specially designed for the military aviation and were not available in the general market. The Shturmanskie watch made history on April 12 1961 when the Soviet Union launched the first successful manned space flight. Yury Gagarin, the first man in space, wore Shturmanskie watch on his wrist during that celebrated flight. The watch operated without any problems in weightlessness and became the first watch ever to go into cosmos. Later, this legendary watch was given to the factory museum.
    Poljot watches were taken to space flights by astronauts from France, Russia, Germany, and the Ukraine. The 3133 chronograph set a record in longest duration of a space flight by cosmonaut V.V. Poljakov.
    “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, teThe time is out of joint—O cursèd spite, That ever I was born to set it right!ars and sweat”

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    The 50s and 60s

    By 1955, 1.1 million mechanical wristwatches were made by the 1st MWF. In 1956 production of the first automatic movement watches under the Rodina (Fatherland) brand started. The Rodina watch opened a new line of watch movements with the 24 mm caliber. They have a central second hand. The height of the movement was 6.3 mm, with 22 jewels.

    In 1957, according to a special government order, an elite Antarktida (Antarctic) watch for the participants of the first Soviet expedition to the South Pole was developed. These watches were magnet proof, with a 24-hour dial and the watch movement was based on the Pobeda (Victory) watch movement. A special shield protected it against strong magnetic fields.

    In October 1957, the Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite into space. The whole world peered to a slightly flashing small star in the night sky. To mark this event, the Sputnik (Satellite) watch, based on a Pobeda model was produced. Watches were made in two variations: with a central second hand and with a transparent dial, which had a satellite mark instead of a second hand. At the moment, the Antarktida and the Sputnik watches are a collection rarity, because they were in production just for one year.

    On October 2nd 1959, the government of the USSR designed the 1st MWF as a leading enterprise in watch exports. Export production share increased from 42% in 1959 to 80% in the 90s. Watches were exported to 70 different countries, including USA, England, Belgian, Italy, West Germany, Hong Kong, Greece, and many others.

    In 1959 the first Soviet Signal 2612 alarm wristwatch was developed. In the same year, the Strela (Arrow) 3017 watch was put into production. The Strela was a wrist chronograph with a stopwatch function and a 45-minute counter of minutes. The dial had additional telemetric and tachometer scales. The watch was exclusively designed for the officers of the Air Force and was produced according to strict military specifications. Cosmonauts Pavel Beliaev and Aleksej Leonov also used these watches when they became the first in the world to enter into the open space. During the next 20 years 100,000 of the 3017 watches were made.

    In 1960, the first Poljot (Flight) brand watch with 2414 caliber appeared. On April 12th 1961, Yuri Gagarin’s flight opened the era of space travel in the human history. The first cosmonaut took Shturmanskije watch made in 1st MWF into space. Later, production of several models with space names celebrated this flight: Orbita (Orbit) 2415 – in 1962, Kosmos (Space) 2416 – in 1963. In 1961, the factory as first in the country started production of particularly slim Vympel (Pennon) watches with a second hand, caliber 2209 with 2.9 mm height of the movement, 23 jewels, and the 1st accuracy class. The total height of the watchcase was only 5 mm. In 1963, during an international Fair in Leipzig, the Vympel watch was awarded a Diploma and a Gold medal. These watches were in production until 1975, later the technology was passed to the Minsk Watch Factory.

    Since 1964, ????? or POLJOT trademarks have marked the watches made in the 1st MWF. The factory trademarks are registered in 30 different countries and are famous around the World.

    In 1965, production of a super slim Poljot 2200 watch with 1.85 mm movement height started. This product confirmed the highest level of skills of the factory’s designers and technologists once again. The height of the watch-case depending on its variation was from 3.5 mm to 4.5 mm.

    In 1966, the factory started production of a new basic movement model, a 26 series caliber with anti-shock capability, screw-less balance wheel and flat spiral, and different accessories. New movements were distinguished by small height and long run time.

    The 70s and 80s

    In 1971, the factory produced 2.5 million wristwatches, and 1.6 million were exported to 63 different countries. In 1972, the factory increased production of wrist mechanical watches up to 2.7 million. Since up to 70% of the production was sold on the export market, the factory decided to design and to put into production a number of new watch movements which could satisfy the requirements of exacting foreign customers and would be useable for automatic technological processes. As a result, in 1972 new designs of watches with the 26 series caliber movement were developed and had a distinct mark of a letter “H”: 2609H, 2614H, 2616H, etc. The factory’s designers, technologists and stylists paid particular attention to its reliability, technological aspects and reparability.

    In 1976, the factory started production of new wristwatches with a stopwatch function: chronograph model number 3133. For this development, the factory staff was awarded with a State Bonus Reward. At the beginning, watches were intended for the Navy officers and were produced under the Okean (Ocean) brand name. Later, the factory started to make modifications intended for the Air Force, with a Shturmanskie brand name (model 31659, a watch with a second hand arrester and pointer of time zones) and another Shturmanskie watch with a pointer of time zones (model 3133). The production of these watches was limited and subjected to strict military inspections. Only nine years later, in 1983, watches with a 3133 movement were made available to the public.

    At the end of the 70-ies and the beginning of the 80-ies, the factory put into production the quartz 30 series calibers watches, and later - 24 and 16 calibers. The quartz movements were mainly exported to Southeast Asian countries: Hong Kong and Singapore. In some years, export achieved up to 3 – 4 million pieces per year.

    During the 70 year history, the First Watch Factory kept leading position in the area of man’s wrist mechanical watch production. Today the 1st Moscow Watch Factory also remains the first. Extensive experience, strong design capabilities, enormous technological potential, and spirit of innovation helped the factory to survive during a difficult periods and allow it to face the future with confidence. Today “Poljot” is a leader among the producers of high-class man’s wrist watches, a producer of unique movements, such as the chronographic movement 3133, the alarm movement “Signal” 2612, and the factory’s pride a 6MX marine chronometer. Furthermore, mechanical chronographs and “Signal” analogues today are in production only in several factories in Switzerland.

    The high level of technological development, design and the high quality of “Poljot” production are also confirmed by the fact that the administration of the President of Russia has chosen a “Poljot” 3133 watch as an official government award “From President of Russia”.

    late 1990s quartz movement production ceases, export of basic ebauches ceases, company refocusses on niche-markets

    2000-2003 Several new movements with complications introduced, including 31679 chrono with moonphase

    2002 ex-Poljot employees form Volmax

    2003 Renamed '1st Moscow Watch Factory', Poljot brand limited to domestic market

    2003 begin production of export brands Shturmanskie, Buran and Aviator for Volmax
    “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, teThe time is out of joint—O cursèd spite, That ever I was born to set it right!ars and sweat”

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    Vostok (Tschistopolsky Watch Factory )

    - Albatros
    - Amfibia
    - Buran
    - Chaika
    - Cornavin
    - Generalskie
    - Kama
    - Kolos
    - Komandirskie
    - Mir
    - Pobeda
    - Precision
    - Sekonda
    - Saturn
    - Sputnik
    - Svet
    - Uran
    - Vostok

    1942 ,July 1, in Chistopol Glavpribor watch factory NK MV 835, created on the basis of the Second Moscow watch factory and DOS factory, has earned in full force, manufacturing producs for needs of front.

    1943, Release of a K-43 man's watch and instrument production are begun. The machine-tool construction for watch manufacture is organized.

    1949, Serial release of a K-26 "Pobeda" man's watch, wall-mounted ship clocks with a luminous dial, clocks for a/m "ZiM", "Volga", "Pobeda", wall-mounted and street industrial clocks are begun. On July, 1950 the factory has started construction of own industrial buildings.

    1952, The factory began release of "Kama" shock-proof watches in water-proof case, clock devices for various branches of a national economy.

    1957, Release of precision watches: K-28 "East", "Mir", "Volna", "Saturn", "Cosmos" with lateral and central second hands, a lens and shock-proof movement is mastered. Export of Chisopol watches has increased in 7 times.

    1962, Precision watch "Vostok" are awarded with the big gold medal of the Leipzig international fair. "Komandirskie" watches are developed and started in manufacture and Chistopol watch factory became the official supplier of these watches to the Ministry of Defence of the USSR.

    1968, Release of "Amphibian" watches is mastered. Since 1969 all watch of a factory are manufactired under "Vostok" trade mark, and the factory began to refer "Chistopol watch factory "Vostok".

    1972, Release of a new 24 calibres man's watch with a numerical calendar, a double calendar, with automatic movement are begun. Watches are exported to 54 countries of the world.

    1976, Cosmonaut G.Grechko during visit on a factory thanks watch-makers for release of qualitative products and gives to chistopol watch makers the "Vostok" watch which has visited the space.

    1980, This year the factory issues the plenty of a watch - 4,5 million pieces. All production only the first and supreme categories of quality.

    1986, Release of water-meters, tahografov accustoms, release of manometers are begun. The factory passes in the Ministry of the radioindustry. Chistopol faculty “Vostok” of Kazan Aircraft University is opened.

    1989, The factory passes to self-financing, in 1990 - on rent. The assortment of watches is annually updated on 70%, release of watches with custom-made symbolics is mastered. Export of wathces increases.

    1992, The factory passes under jurisdiction of Republic Tatarstan and becomes Open Joint Stock company. Small enterprises on manufacture of completing for watches are created. The big parties of watches are exported to Italy, USA, Switzerland. In USA the greatest popularity was received with "Desert storm" watch.

    2000, Vostok Watch Makers Inc. is the leader of the domestic watch and clock industry on volumes of release and sales of a man's watch. Release of the female watches, expensive, prestigious man's watch, a quartz alarm clock are begun.

    2001, The factory became the owner of "The Russian National Olympus” the prestigious premium in a nomination "To Technology. A science" and the winner of "The Russian organization of high social efficiency" competition in a branch nomination.

    2003, The company "Koliz Vostok Co. Ltd" was founded as a joint venture between the Russian movement- and watch-maker "Vostok Watch Maker Inc." and the Lithuanian enterprise "Koliz Ltd." to offer the world market a new generation of automatic watches based on the traditional Russian watch-making technology and new design from Lithuania. The first collection of the new watch brand Vostok Europe was introduced at Basel.

    2004, Under the slogan "The best of Soviet technologies for modern watch design" and has been a big success on the world market since that time. Further cooperation between the Vostok Europe movement supplier (Vostok factory) and Vostok Europe producer (Koliz Vostok ) has a lot of potential."

    “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, teThe time is out of joint—O cursèd spite, That ever I was born to set it right!ars and sweat”

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  11. #19
    MWC is that my watch's Avatar
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    Slava (2nd Moscow Watch Factory)

    - Cornavin
    - Kama
    - Molnia
    - Pobeda
    - Salyut
    - Sekonda

    - Slava
    - Start
    - Vympel

    1924, begin production of clocks

    1941, begin production of pocket watches

    1941, factory evacuated to Chistopol

    1944, return to Moscow

    late 1940s begin production of 'Salyut' pocket watch and 'Pobeda' wrist watch

    late 1950s introduction of 'Slava' brand, originally for women

    1966, Sekonda brand established, including several Slava models

    1966, factory awarded the Order of the Workers' Red Banner

    early 1970s first quartz analogue watch

    1974, factory awarded the Order of the October Revolution

    1992, end of USSR, factory becomes a joint stock company with large government stake

    1992, enters partnership with 1st Moscow Watch Factory to create Gold Time watch company

    1993, Sekonda stop sourcing watches from Russia

    mid 1990s cease production of quartz movements

    2003, attempted buy-out of factory site for redevelopment

    Other Comments:
    Aside from the introduction of a new waterproof case design, very little development seems to have occured in the last decade.
    Slava continues to be a major producer for the domestic market.

    “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, teThe time is out of joint—O cursèd spite, That ever I was born to set it right!ars and sweat”

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  13. #20
    MWC is that my watch's Avatar
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    came for a look stayed for the biskwits


    is a good ref/read too

    History of the Poljot cal. 3133 Movement

    Like the Poljot cal. 3017 movement that preceded it, the Poljot cal. 3133 movement was based on a movement produced initially by the Venus watch company in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland. The 3017 was based on the Venus cal. 150 which featured the older column or ratchet design chronograph mechanism, while the Poljot cal. 3133 can be traced to the Venus cal. 188 which features a cam-lever mechanism first patented by Landeron in 1940. The cam-lever mechanism was easier to produce as the lever could be stamped out of a piece of steel, whereas back in the day milling the the column wheel was labour-intensive and thus could not be produced en masse.
    Poljot cal. 3017 with ratchet wheel

    Venus cal. 188 with cam lever

    The Venus company produced the cal. 188 from 1949 up until they withdrew from the marketplace in 1966. Another Swiss company, Valjoux, bought the tools and rights to produce the Venus cal. 188 and continued to produce a slightly modified version of the chronograph, rebranded cal. 7730, through 1968. At this point, Valjoux further refined the movement as cal. 7733, and cal. 7734 with date function. The early production Valjoux cal. 7734 most resembles what we know the initial production of the Poljot cal. 3133 to be.
    Early Valjoux cal. 7734 with ajustable excenter on the reset hammer

    Late Valjoux cal. 7734 with improved hammer and fly-back lever

    Modifications to the chronograph reset function illustrated above were never adopted by Poljot.
    In 1974, a year after production began on the new cal. 7750 automatic chronograph, Valjoux discontinued production of the cal. 7734 and sold the tools, and presumably the rights to produce the chronograph, to Poljot. The ETA cal. 7750 is still in production to this day , while the production of the MakTime cal. 3133 ended in 2011.
    Some of the initial modifications made by Poljot to the cal. 7734 included a taller main plate, third wheel plate with jewel bearing, jewelled chronograph gears, smaller and faster running balance with shock protection, and quickset date mechanism. Curiously, the initial version of the Poljot cal. 3133 utilized the older version of the 7733/34 reset function(hammer, fly-back lever) that was produced between 1968-1971.
    Mechanically, not too many modifications have been made to the Poljot/MakTime cal. 3133 over the last thirty plus years. Notable changes where a) an improved mainspring in 1987, b) an improved metal alloy balance wheel in 1992, and c) seemingly lower-quality levers and eccentrics from the late 1990s on. For all of the other minor changes, see my "Guide to Determining the Age and Originality of a Poljot cal. 3133 Chronograph".
    Poljot continued to produce the cal. 3133 chronograph up until the end of 2004, when the MakTime company purchased the Poljot cal. 3133 machinery, relocated the equipment to their factory in south-east Moscow, and continued production starting in June 2005. After only a few short years, low-sales/profits and out-dated equipment forced an end to production in 2011. The MakTime company produced the cal. 3133 for a handful of companies including Moscow Classic, Volmax (Aviator, Sturmanskie, Buran), Juri Levenberg (Pilot, Strela), Poljot-International, PoinTec (Junkers, Zepplin), Poljot-Chonos (The President), as well as their own in house brands (MakTime, MWG).
    As of July 2013, new movements continue to be available in remaining retail stocks, however, some of the more popular cal. 3133 chronographs, such as the Zeppelin models, are now nearing extinction.
    “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, teThe time is out of joint—O cursèd spite, That ever I was born to set it right!ars and sweat”

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