Hopefully, this surprised a few of you.

See, ever since Christmas my wife has been wheelchair bound due to her hip. Not content o stay at home I have to take her shopping and eventually roll her into the "Ladies Room". It's been facinating.
What I've learned:
1) Women don't have to straddle overflowing urinals on a regular basis
2) Women's restrooms don't smell like....well, restrooms - all perfumy and airfreshener like.
3) Who'da thought - flowers on the sinks!
4) Their soap dispensers don't have the little pushy thing to squirt soap broken off (aren't covered with dirty slime either!)
5) Despite their assumed inferiority on the basketball court, they don't have a pile of wadded up paper towels by the trash can
6) Some of them have couches.

But anyway, I'm surprised at how nice women are - I've only had one (late teenager type) get upset when she walked in and saw me there but every time they are great and go back outside and tell me to holler/knock/or something and they'll open the door for us!

(Except one. For the first time, this past Saturday I had a late 20's woman say "No Problem!" And walk into the stall next to my wife. Before I could step back, she'd dropped trou', left a loaf, yanked her pants up and was out of the stall and washing her hands. "See ya!" she said cheerfully, waving as she left. It was unnerving.)

Anyway, I've only got to do it a few more weeks but the experience has been interesting.