NOTE: The problem is that some people just don't get it. They don't understand how important, nay, how essential, your next watch is. Not just to your happiness, but also to your sense of purpose,*your*ability to be a complete person. *Against the blockers in your life, we have a new weapon. The Enabler. He is here to flex advanced levels of sophistry in debating to validate your next or latest acquisition. Over to you, Enabler. But first a warning. This defence, should you ever call on it, requires*genuine bravery and brings with it a high level of risk. Be bold out there, but be careful.* In a recent interview, Rod Stewart shared the best piece of advice he'd ever got from his father. "To be properly contented, son," he was told, "A man needs three things: a job, a sport, and a hobby." "So in my case," Stewart continued, "My job is singer, my sport is football, my hobby is model railroading." Gloss over the weird decision to play with toy trains past the age of six and this is all sound advice. But Stewart Snr omitted one vital piece of the contentment puzzle. Having a job, a sport and…

The post How to justify your next watch #2, the 'Hey, it could be coke and hookers' defence appeared first on Time and Tide Watches.
