Well what's this chapter four is it now.

links to others.

chapter one ...
mwc2 the afterlife

chapter two ...
"MWC: caution, may contain watches"

chapter three ...
MWC: mostly watch club

Well what to say well we have a chat about watches and all things watch related and all things in general really anything that has caught our eye or some time's we just pop in to have a chat with like mind members no hassle or attitude just good nature chat.

well we started back across the water but well we moved.. long story short and it was the best choice made.. I personally have got to know some members here better in a shorter time then I did in the years I was over there and well that's water under the bridge don't think I will be talking about that again..... so now we have move on to bigger and better yes indeed.

well M.W.C stands for military watch collection:

which is what brought us together some of us still collect them a lot don't so we have sort of move on to different things but we still have a good chat about them from time to time and churchy does a wonderful blog on them here.


(that should hopefully list his blogs on the M.W.C watches from the latest release working backwards to issue 1 ... or that is what I hope it does )

And there will be the special coming up soon

So yes indeed any one is welcome to come in for a chat but you must leave the attitude at the door please we don't play that way so yes indeed welcome here's to another 5000 comments