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Thread: A quick repair

  1. #1
    Member boatme99's Avatar
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    A quick repair

    A couple of weeks ago my sister dropped of a nice George Nelson starburst quartz wall clock that wasn't working. I put in the spare room and forgot about it.
    Tonight I saw it and decided to open it up and see what was wrong. It can only be 2 things, a bad motor or misaligned gear train.
    If you've never opened a quartz clock mechanism, you'd be surprised at how simple it is.
    It's only 6 gears and the main shaft. The hard part is getting the hands off without bending them. Oh, and remembering the gear order when you put them back.
    I got lucky, the motor still ran so apparently one of the gears had slipped out of position when she moved it or jarred it.
    After about 20 minutes, it's back together and running like, well, a clock.
    Attachment 95006

    The clock is 19" across with a 6 1/2" face.
    The only tools required were a pair of needle nose pliers, tweezers, and a flat blade micro screwdriver to open the case.
    It will replace the 19" red starburst in the living room
    Name:  IMG_20200314_220418.jpg
Views: 169
Size:  33.1 KB
    and the red one will go into the kitchen to replace the small retro unit that's there.

  2. #2
    Higher Entity Jeannie's Avatar
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    Okay, that is a seriously cool clock! I’m a huge MCM fan.

    The adventures of Bob the Traveling Watch

    . . . . . . . . . .

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  4. #3
    wind-up merchant OhDark30's Avatar
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    A quick repair

    Wow, stunning!
    My sis has a starburst clock, but in subdued gold and brown
    That is the starburst’s starburst!

    Well done for saving it

    PS: you know you’re a WIS when it autocorrects ‘starburst’ to ‘subdial’
    It's the final countdown! PM me before they're all gone!

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  6. #4
    Can't see the first attachment but I like the starburst a lot.

  7. #5
    Moderator - Central tribe125's Avatar
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    That’s an absolutely fantastic thing.

  8. #6
    Member boatme99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodia77 View Post
    Can't see the first attachment but I like the starburst a lot.
    Yeah, sorry. My pos tablet didn't want to load pics yesterday. I hate Lenovo tablets!
    Here's the clock I fixedName:  IMG_20200314_212717.jpg
Views: 168
Size:  52.4 KB

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  10. #7

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