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Thread: Casio pocketwatch?

  1. #1
    Moderator G-Shock/Digital Sedi's Avatar
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    Casio pocketwatch?

    Hi guys,
    I have to share the latest acquisition with you. I once recommended this particular model as a "Casio pocketwatch" and I bought it as I have a problem caused by the recent heat wave in Germany - I get a rash under the watch-strap - no matter which material - even with nylon straps. So I switched wrists - only then I got a rash on the other wrist, too. When this occured I kind of panicked - what if I can't wear a watch AT ALL?! The solution of course is a pocketwatch but since I got used to all the fancy features my Gs and other Casios have I looked for something a little different and here it is. Btw - just a few hours after I put it in my amazon shopping cart they even reduced the price so I pulled the trigger right away.
    First some specs so people can make an educated guess :

    - stopwatch with lap-timer and recall mode and a lot of other fancy stuff
    - interval timer with 10 start times up to 59'59" and 100 times repeat
    - 12 (!) alarms
    - football/soccer timer
    - counter

    Yeah, I think everybody knows by now if you didn't already guess from the title - it's not like it was very hard to guess - so here's what I got:

    wanted to use a knife to open the package but amazon really leaves not much opportunity to use our man toys as you can easily open the package by hand.

    And here's what was inside:

    Casio HS-80TW

    Safely packed in bubble wrap and with a lot of paperwork:

    And some more plastic wrapped around the watch

    And a screen-saving plastic foil:

    So finally here it is:

    Of course the default mode is the stopwatch and not timekeeping mode. But it can display date incl year and the time of course like any standard Casio:

    And the backside - the backplate is secured by 8 screws:

    The size of the watch is really impressive - of course I knew before it was gonna be bigger than even the biggest G-Shock but still - here's my PRW-3000 as comparison:

    It's not as hot as it used to be a few days ago so I can wear my normal watches again so I don't even know if this one's gonna see a lot of "pocket time" but it's still a great timepiece - looks and feels absolutely bulletproof - like a G-Shock pocketwatch. And when did we really ever need a reason to buy a new watch?
    The alarms are louder than anything I ever heard from a wristwatch - that compensates for the missing snooze - and with the impressive 12 alarms you don't really need a snooze-alarm at all. The alarms come pre-programmed from 7.00 to 18.00 o'clock. The alarm sounds exactly like the one from the G-77XX models - like a polyphonic ring-tone.
    Buttons work great of course - just right for its intended purpose. It's even 5 bar water resistant but buttons shouldn't be pressed under water and it shouldn't really be "worn" while swimming - no problem since this doesn't seem a great idea anyway.
    I like the design which looks a little like a knight's helmet or a robot-head.
    Overall this makes a nice addition to a Casio collection as I never owned a proper stopwatch. Build quality is awesome - alarms would wake a dead person and it's a funny alternative to a normal pocketwatch - for those who want one with all the bells and whistles - which is probably not really all that many people when I think about it .
    Damn - now I need a proper pocketwatch again, too - now let's look for that nice Orient....
    Cheers, Sedi

  2. Likes is that my watch, Greg, samael_6978, iyonk liked this post
  3. #2

    Has the CR2032 battery I see from the online casio manual. That should outlast the projected 5 year battery life easily. Congrats Sedi.

  4. Likes iyonk liked this post
  5. #3
    Moderator G-Shock/Digital Sedi's Avatar
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    Thanks Greg. Yeah, I'm guessing more like ten years.

  6. #4
    I wish I thought of this when I was looking for a pocket watch.


  7. #5
    That's a cool idea. I had a friend who used to carry a strapless F91W in his pocket

  8. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Northern Germany
    Unfortunally not.
    I bought this model for work and had to exchange the batterie (8 screws!!) after 5 years or so without using it that often....
    But still 5 years are plenty of time....

    Quote Originally Posted by Sedi View Post
    Thanks Greg. Yeah, I'm guessing more like ten years.

  9. #7
    Moderator G-Shock/Digital Sedi's Avatar
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    Interesting. I wonder how much battery life mine still has a it's certainly been sitting on a shelf somewhere. Does anybody know when it was released?

  10. #8
    Join Date
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    Northern Germany
    I bought mine around 2007/2008.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sedi View Post
    Interesting. I wonder how much battery life mine still has a it's certainly been sitting on a shelf somewhere. Does anybody know when it was released?

  11. #9
    Moderator G-Shock/Digital Sedi's Avatar
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    Thanks. That would have been my guess for the release as it has the same alarm sound as the G-77XX series and those were released in '08. I don't know however if any other models used that distinctive alarm sound before.

  12. #10
    Member Rocat's Avatar
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    This is a lot better, it has a proper key ring attachment that swivels. That is a lot better than the person who slapped a key ring on his DW-9052.

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