Jul 19, 2015, 11:47 PM
Watch Geek
IWL 8 months in...
Well, here we are some 8 months + after the launching of the IWL site. Would like to thank the Founders/Owners for providing the place for us to hang out and play, as well as doing the upkeep etc. (trust me, it IS a lot of work they do, even on a smaller site).
Got to admit I've used the site for mostly other than watches so far myself, but that is partially due to my being less involved/obsessed with watches than in years past. Perhaps I was a bit burned out on watch Fora. I still have all of my watches, and still enjoy them very much. Don't lust after others as much as I used to, nor do I gear my disposable income to them with the regularity I did in the past.
That said, I greatly enjoy hanging out here, mostly in the Lounge. Don't see as many posts from old friends as I'd like (I suspect many of them are posting more in the Mods Forum, and less so in open areas ). But I enjoy the banter, wit and fun we have in a lot of the less serious threads.
So it looks like we are now a bit over 1000 Members (1117 I think it said?). Certainly not bad for less than one year! I'll bet WUS had no more than 250 or 300 at this point. (I was around there myself not long after, I think they were 2 years or less in when I joined). Things are different now though. That place went through several growing phases, all including host changes with several complete format changes. Growing pains ensued each time. Don't think any such physical changes will be necessitated here, as the Internet has matured, as has software and hosting formats. The Founders here also benefited from years of experience in what worked elsewhere, and frankly times have changed.
So what is the future of IWL? I'm curious, to see opinions from general Membership as well as plans and thoughts of those who created this place, if they will be so bold as to share some of their thoughts. What lies ahead? How will IWL grow, and what will spur it on? Will IWL pursue and obtain any "official" Brand Forum status as had been done at the other place? How will new Membership be drawn here, are there any plans/efforts to work to increase readership? Does the status quo meet initial expectations of the Founders/Owners?
My own thoughts, there are a lot of sub forums that are not particularly active. Perhaps started too early in the game in expecting more participation. Maybe not, but posts in those areas if made in larger more active areas would of course be more widely read, and make that much more interesting and lively a discussion for a larger audience (which could in turn also help draw even more Members). Just off the cuff musings of my own, not intended as a criticism in any way, just a jumping off point of discussion.
Again I'd like to thank those who started this Forum, and run it's daily operations. Whatever your plans for the future, I quite enjoy it here and am happy you've done what you've done. BTW, I am still not active at all at ANY other watch site, so I guess you are meeting the needs of at least this one Member to a tee .
Regards, T Bone
Even a broken watch shows correct time once or twice a day. I ought to know, I have a few!
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Jul 19, 2015, 11:57 PM
Thanks for the kind words, T Bone, and for your participation here. We actually have a discussion going on right now about the site and its future, and we'll be seeking input from our members along the way. There are definitely some forums that need more attention, some that should probably be retired, and perhaps some new things on the horizon that we haven't considered yet. Stay tuned!
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Jul 20, 2015, 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by
Thanks for the kind words, T Bone, and for your participation here. We actually have a discussion going on right now about the site and its future, and we'll be seeking input from our members along the way. There are definitely some forums that need more attention, some that should probably be retired, and perhaps some new things on the horizon that we haven't considered yet. Stay tuned!
hope the Russian forum is not one of the one's for possible retirement I was just thinking the other day how it had pick up more and was getting going now a few Russian watch fans have turn up ?
“I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, te“The time is out of joint—O cursèd spite, That ever I was born to set it right!”ars and sweat”
Jul 20, 2015, 12:03 AM
Watch Geek
Originally Posted by
Thanks for the kind words, T Bone, and for your participation here. We actually have a discussion going on right now about the site and its future, and we'll be seeking input from our members along the way. There are definitely some forums that need more attention, some that should probably be retired, and perhaps some new things on the horizon that we haven't considered yet. Stay tuned!
Just for the record, each and every sub-forum I am referring to/aware of is a great idea to have IMO, some perhaps just not a great idea without more traffic/demand. Not such an issue on it's own, but perhaps detracting from the overall participation one would get if the same posts were placed in a more general setting. And of course, JMO, YMMV.
Regards, T Bone
Even a broken watch shows correct time once or twice a day. I ought to know, I have a few!
Jul 20, 2015, 12:23 AM
When we started out, we went for a mix of forums that we thought we could properly support, and from there we've just let things progress. A couple were added at member request. But to be honest, we've not give them all a fair shake in my opinion. Dive Watches for example, has been badly neglected by me as I've been busy with other site business, and Eric has been gone for personal reasons. I would never say we should ditch that forum because of the low traffic - dive watches are hugely popular and most members here own one or more. We just need to put in more work to grow that forum, generate content, and give people a reason to stop by every day. Other forums may or may not be in the same situation. We just need to look everything over now that we have some data over the past 8 months to analyze.
I will say that we have no plans to scrap any forums without notice and without letting the members have a say in it. That's never been the way we operate here at IWL.
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Jul 20, 2015, 12:32 AM
I think some forum fall to rotation if I am wearing my say Russian watches I will post to there the wruw and maybe to affordable wruw then if I am say wearing a chinese piece I would post there and so on but I for one may have neglected some threads depending on rotation I mean my monster for instant could be posted to the dive thread I suppose and my casio to there maybe I should go exploring more on the quiet days just found mr.henry's library piece on the ncc and found it a good read well worth a look Der Amf
To Boldy Go Where No Watch Has Gone Before, The Rado NCCs
“I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, te“The time is out of joint—O cursèd spite, That ever I was born to set it right!”ars and sweat”
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Jul 20, 2015, 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by
T Bone
What lies ahead?
More of the same, with some refinement.
Originally Posted by
T Bone
How will IWL grow?
Incrementally, probably.
Originally Posted by
T Bone
Will IWL pursue and obtain any "official" Brand Forum status as had been done at the other place?
Maybe one day. Mixed blessing, though.
Originally Posted by
T Bone
Does the status quo meet initial expectations of the Founders/Owners?
Near enough.
These are strictly personal responses, obviously.
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Jul 20, 2015, 12:56 AM
Would it be of any benefit to IWL for members to revisit popular topics like what dive ratings actually mean, the benefit/practicality of winders (discussed this one the other day), ETA grades, etc.? i.e. to have these threads available for those who are searching for the information and considering participation in a forum? Many of us here have covered these areas a number of times, but we're always up for exploring the old themes.
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Jul 20, 2015, 08:57 AM
Thanks for your thoughts T Bone, and everyone else.
Originally Posted by
More of the same, with some refinement.
Incrementally, probably.
Maybe one day. Mixed blessing, though.
Near enough.
These are strictly personal responses, obviously.
Likewise from me really. It's quieter here, but it keeps me busy. And there's definitely something to be said for dealing with a more mature/veteran audience who know the game.
Originally Posted by
Would it be of any benefit to IWL for members to revisit popular topics like what dive ratings actually mean, the benefit/practicality of winders (discussed this one the other day), ETA grades, etc.? i.e. to have these threads available for those who are searching for the information and considering participation in a forum? Many of us here have covered these areas a number of times, but we're always up for exploring the old themes.
Most definitely. For me part of the fun of starting afresh is that topics can be rehashed guilt-free. Also we get the odd newbie here who may appreciate the resource. Go for it.
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Jul 20, 2015, 01:20 PM
All good so far. Nice to see the forum forming it's own 'character' and not morphing into a clone of others.
Maybe more watch reviews would get punters in, reviews of popular models, lashed with model and movement numbers, dimensions too, will bring the forum up into goggle searches.
My own search for the above continually brings me to WUS.
Even a simple addition of model numbers when posting in the WRUW threads will direct here (in Google images).
You only have to visit the 'new posts' on other forums and the bombardment of FS threads is becoming silly and really off putting.
I do wonder if the humour here is for everyone and might seem a little difficult to comprehend for newbies .
Having said that I wouldn't change it as it's great 'craic' but mingle that with lots of quality watch reviews and continue the friendly atmosphere and it's surely a winning formula?
I have to echo the appreciation for the staff, who definitely seemed to have mellowed since the move and can enjoy the forum far more than they could in previous lifetimes..that surely should be the yard stick for the future
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