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Thread: Did I miss something about MM300 ?

  1. #1
    Mountebank MarkO's Avatar
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    Did I miss something about MM300 ?

    I was just browsing on Chino and when I got to SBDX001 it says discontinued.

    I did a bit of googling and there are discussions on a couple of other forums going way back saying it may be going and a possible replacement.

    I did search here but don't think it has been mentioned..

    (Yes I have one so I am not looking for a final pick up before it goes)
    MB2, SOH, Aquascope, Tangente, MM300, Blackbay, North Flag, Officer, Visitor.

  2. #2
    The new model MM300 was released in Japan on 8th August. Its now the SBDX017.

    Its pretty much the same apart from - New Lume (stated to last 1.6 times longer and be brighter), crown is now signed with the prospex logo, its now coated with Seikos proprietary Diashield coating for scratch resistance and parts of the 8L35b movement are now produced with MEM's (a more precise and accurate production method that has in the past been limited to Grand Seiko pieces)

  3. #3
    explanation of mems from GS site:

    What is MEMS?

    MEMS is an abbreviation for micro-electro-mechanical systems—a state-of-the-art processing technology used to manufacture semiconductors and other high-precision components. MEMS differs from the old metal processing methods of pressing, cutting, and polishing. Instead, shapes are made using photolithography (a process similar to developing photos using light-sensitive chemicals), on top of which a thick plating is deposited using electroforming technology. This processing method allows the manufacturing of complex shapes with greater accuracy than cutting, and also produces smoothly finished surfaces. In addition, hard materials can be used for parts while slightly adjusting the shape to keep the weight down, thereby greatly improving the accuracy and durability of the watch parts.

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  5. #4
    lost in translation birdynamnam's Avatar
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    Through this MEM i suspect a marketing argument
    Anyway the old SBDX001 will be a collector for the future generations...

    This watch has a very special place in my WIS heart

    "chirp, chirp"

  6. #5
    Mountebank MarkO's Avatar
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    My favorite MM 300 picture

    MB2, SOH, Aquascope, Tangente, MM300, Blackbay, North Flag, Officer, Visitor.

  7. #6
    Join Date
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    Great photo. Displays creativity.

    Quote Originally Posted by MarkO View Post
    My favorite MM 300 picture

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  9. #7
    dive dude deCompression's Avatar
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    All these new specs are no reason for me to buy the new one !

    I am very happy with my SBDX001

    Regards Phil
    Moderator German Watches & Dive Watches

  10. #8
    Super Member Raza's Avatar
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    The new specs are interesting. I mean, 1.6 times longer lume and brighter is crazy. I can't even imagine that. The new movement is whatever. My MM300 is plenty accurate enough (even if it is likely the least accurate of my "fine" watches). I see no reason to "upgrade". I was hoping for a simpler bracelet design, but even that looks the same.

    Plus, SBDX001 is a way cooler designation than SBDX017. You've got the X, which makes it sound cool (like the X in extortion, for the Futurama fans), and 001...that's zero, zero, and one. Not seventeen. If Bond is 007, the guy who is 001 is probably way more badass and even better with the ladies.

  11. #9
    dive dude deCompression's Avatar
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    Another point, I prefer the unsigned crown of the SBDX001.

    The new signed crown isn't bad, but I prefer the simpler one.
    Regards Phil
    Moderator German Watches & Dive Watches

  12. #10
    Mountebank MarkO's Avatar
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    I am all in favor of evolution and up grades. I'm glad the basic premise of the watch continues.
    The only thing I would pay for would be an upgraded clasp on the bracelet.
    I find it interesting that there is no obvious change in appearance apart from the x on the crown.
    MB2, SOH, Aquascope, Tangente, MM300, Blackbay, North Flag, Officer, Visitor.

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