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Thread: ETA Service Cost Determined by Name on Dial?

  1. #1

    ETA Service Cost Determined by Name on Dial?

    I visited an AD/repair center today and was told by the saleswoman that the cost to overhaul a 2824 depends on the watch brand, essentially what's stamped on the dial. Overhaul of a Tag Heuer with a 2824 costs $225, for example. Each major brand is different. I get that higher-end luxury brands with simple movements (whether they be ETA based or proprietary) will charge premiums for repair, especially if they are an AD. This place isn't a Tag AD.

    In your experience, is this common? Is it common to charge different prices for the same exact service to the same movements (e.g. basic 2824s or 7750s) based on the name on the dial?

  2. #2
    Moderator - Central tribe125's Avatar
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    It will probably be the brands setting the prices, not the dealer. If that's the case, it doesn't surprise me.

    Personally, I rarely use ADs for service, so haven't encountered what you describe.

  3. #3
    Member Perseus's Avatar
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    I haven't had to service many of my watches but from what I've read it is very common to have different brands charge different prices to service the same movement. It reminds me of when I had a head light out in my Audi and it was in need of a service. I asked them to put a new bulb in with the service and they charged me $75. I about blew my lid when they told what it cost. Next time a bulb went out I went over to the VW dealer (who owns Audi) and I explained they use the same bulbs. The cost...$20.

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  5. #4
    Misunderadjustimated dbakiva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Perseus View Post
    I haven't had to service many of my watches but from what I've read it is very common to have different brands charge different prices to service the same movement. It reminds me of when I had a head light out in my Audi and it was in need of a service. I asked them to put a new bulb in with the service and they charged me $75. I about blew my lid when they told what it cost. Next time a bulb went out I went over to the VW dealer (who owns Audi) and I explained they use the same bulbs. The cost...$20.
    Good to know if I need a bulb or something with my Audi. Do you think VW will service my Omega?

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  7. #5
    Member Perseus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dbakiva View Post
    Good to know if I need a bulb or something with my Audi. Do you think VW will service my Omega?
    If they only charge $20 I'll be bringing them both of mine!

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  9. #6
    Member Drop of a Hat's Avatar
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    Its always been that way. That's why a strong relationship with an AD that carries everything is so important.

    "He's just a witness"

  10. #7

    ETA Service Cost Determined by Name on Dial?

    So pricing is scaled based on brand name rather than by procedure alone because as an AD and official repair center for a few brands they use the scaling to show preference to their brands? That is, their relationship with these few brands is what dictates pricing for all brands?

    And this is this pricing scale common outside of ADs?
    Last edited by Ryan; Nov 30, 2014 at 04:07 PM.

  11. #8
    Moderator - Central tribe125's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RYANBROOKLYNBOSTON View Post
    And this is this pricing scale common outside of ADs?
    Not in my experience, but my experience is limited to a few repairers in one country.

  12. #9
    Scam Hunter Broker's Avatar
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    I think what we have is an inherent difference in what constitutes "servicing". Some may do a simple oil and change the rings. If I send my Breitling in, they disassemble the entire thing and check it all, then put it all back together, time it, polish it and send it back. It really depends on where you send your watch. But I get what you are saying. It shouldn't cost anymore to service a Fortis than a Breitling. But it does.

  13. #10
    Scam Hunter Broker's Avatar
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    If you've never seen a manufacturer service a watch you need to watch this video:

    Last edited by Broker; Nov 30, 2014 at 05:47 PM.

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