Quote Originally Posted by wschofield3 View Post
Not disagreeing with anything you said, however, I seemingly get more out of it than you have, and, don't necessarily need to get as much out of a TV show....I mean, it's not music and all.

I've always considered TV mindless entertainment, unless we are talking about The Soprano's or Breaking Bad, which IMO, were different.
TV as mindless entertainment!? It can be, that's for sure. But TV has been at the forefront of really amazing storytelling lately. In some ways, TV is now able to take more risks and tell more avant-garde stories than movies can. Look at TV shows like Handmaid's Tale, Better Call Saul (which is a thousand times better than Breaking Bad and its complete lack of character growth and characters that I spent every moment of every episode wanting to strangle to death except for Jesse), True Detective S1, Fargo S2, and others in that vein. Fantastic. Sure, for each one of those, there are 50 Big Bang Theories, but that's always been the case with any form of media/entertainment.