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Thread: Scalfaro Cap Ferrat Grand Tour bicompax chrono

  1. #1
    Licorice eater Strange's Avatar
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    Scalfaro Cap Ferrat Grand Tour bicompax chrono

    I was unaware of this company and model until a minute and a half ago. Saw a photo, checked their website, and became intrigued. Oddly intrigued, given that I have almost no interest in chronos, despite wearing at this very second a Hamilton H604161. Anyway, one of the things that drew me to it was the internal rotating bezel, something I've had wood for for some time. Also I rather like the case and bracelet despite their clunkiness.

    Does anyone have experience with and/or knowledge of this marque and this particular watch? Wassa verdict?
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  2. #2
    Licorice eater Strange's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Big Member Chase's Avatar
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    Never heard a peep about them.

    I too am somewhat intrigued by the case and bracelet. The red 12 could stand to go the way of the dodo a whole it makes me think of a Genta Ingenieur with some Ebel mixed in for good measure.

  4. #4
    Licorice eater Strange's Avatar
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    Checked over at The Old Place™ and found a few mentions, unfortunately none newer than about seven squintillion years ago. <sigh> Equally unfortunately, they didn't tell me anything I wasn't able to find out from the Scalfaro site. <sigh>
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  5. #5
    The Dude Abides Nokie's Avatar
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    I see there are a few of these listed on Chrono24, but not much other info out there that I could find either.

    Good luck.
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  6. #6
    Moderator - Central tribe125's Avatar
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    When I look at their website, I get more of a feel of marketing than marque. Still, they're supporting John Surtees' charity which can't be a bad thing.

    It would be interesting to know more about the 'Swiss ADK Kaliber 147' movement. I'm guessing at Hong Kong connections but I could be wrong.

  7. #7
    Licorice eater Strange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tribe125 View Post
    It would be interesting to know more about the 'Swiss ADK Kaliber 147' movement. I'm guessing at Hong Kong connections but I could be wrong.

    I read somewhere (wish I could remember where) that the 'Swiss ADK Kaliber 147' is a reworked 7750, which would make sense given the 7750's ubiquity as the guts of practically every chrono under 5k bux.
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  8. #8
    Super Member Raza's Avatar
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    Nope, I know nothing about them. But are those proprietary lugs? If so, my research ends here, unfortunately.

  9. #9
    Licorice eater Strange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raza View Post
    Nope, I know nothing about them. But are those proprietary lugs? If so, my research ends here, unfortunately.
    Nothing in any of the photos I've seen has indicated one way or the other. Nevertheless, they do appear to be a proprietary design. Ordinarily that would be a deal killer for me too, but since if I were to buy it I'd get it with the bracelet and not wear it with other bands, it might not be an issue for me. Research continues...
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  10. #10
    Moderator - Central tribe125's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strange View Post

    I read somewhere (wish I could remember where) that the 'Swiss ADK Kaliber 147' is a reworked 7750, which would make sense given the 7750's ubiquity as the guts of practically every chrono under 5k bux.

    Ah well, in that case I retract my Germasian suspicion. Companies using genuine good stuff would do well to emphasise it, but maybe most customers aren't interested and aren't as wary as us.

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