Quote Originally Posted by popoki nui View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Strange View Post
Ultimately cats are the answer to every question. Like…

Q: What is that furry 15lb. thing flopping down on my head as I sleep at 3:17am?
A: A cat.

Q: What is that howling mass of fur waking me at 6:21am demanding kibble, being let out to the back yard, being let in from the back yard, and being brushed with exactly the right brush?
A: A cat.

Q: What is the shedding machine giving me bailful glares when I offer the wrong brand of bonito flakes?
A: A cat.

Q: What is the will not be denied immovable force sitting smack on top of my crossword puzzles demanding attention right now?
A: A cat.

Q: What is the implacable screeching ball of don't you dare ignore me neurotic apoplexy that insists on raising the roof at the very minute the other lady of the house starts feeling amorous?
A: A cat.

See how that works? If I was Amadeo Avogadro calculating the molecular contents of equal volumes of gases the answer would of course be cats. Philosophers down through the millenia have studied and been mystified by this cosmic constant, known as omnifelinity.
See? My point exactly.