Here's the place to show us any cool mods you've done.

I'll start with a very simple but fun mod on an F91W.

This is called the Hydro mod.

It has a couple of practical purposes.
First, it makes the F91 totally waterproof
Secondly it takes away any refraction, therefore absolutely no glare!

Right you need an F91 and you need to strip it, but leave the module in the case

Now you need a bowl and some extra virgin olive oil

Right, this is how this works...
Olive oil does not conduct low voltage,
It's non corrosive
And it doesn't attack rubber.

So what you want to do is stick the watch face with module in the olive oil

Leave it in there for a while, and swirl it around a bit so the case totally fills with oil.

Now lower the back into the oil and hold it firmly against the case so you don't loose oil.

Take it out and screw the back down

The oil is thick enough that it won't seep past the seals, also because the case is full nothing else can get in.
Hence water proof

Also because there is no air gap between crystal and face there light can't bounce around all over the place, leaving you glare free.

Now I don't swim with my watches so I didn't completely fill mine, so it had a funky effect

You do have to spend quite a while washing in soapy water to get rid of the residue though!
