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Thread: Where do you draw the line ?

  1. #1
    Another Member crownpuller's Avatar
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    Bristol UK

    Where do you draw the line ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeannie View Post
    Well yes, but at least we usually agree on what a watch actually is.

    Prompted by the above, I asked myself the question: Do we ?
    So in an endeavour to hammer out some definitive criteria for what a watch is, and find out if there actually is a general consensus; I put it to you..... Where do you draw the line as to what is a watch and what is a gimmick, an exercise in horological prowess, an exhibition of micro-mechanics, an ego-trip for a designer, or simply a joke ?
    The more pictures, the better.
    For me, a watch should, quite simply, tell me the time at a glance. I should not have to decipher the display, or search for the hands, or look in 2 different places for hours & minutes, or hold it at a certain angle to be able to read it. The cost is irrelevant, though I've included the costs in my examples just for the hell of it and comparison purposes.

    My starter for ten:

    This is a watch:
    Name:  PO1024.jpg
Views: 336
Size:  42.1 KB
    This cost me $3,000

    This.... isn't:
    Name:  rj-day-night.jpg
Views: 388
Size:  91.5 KB
    I wouldn't pay $300 for it, let alone the $300,000 asking price
    Some people have opinions - The rest of us have taste.

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  3. #2
    El bot. geoffbot's Avatar
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    This is not a watch
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Follow IWL on instagram!

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  5. #3
    (Sorry DanR , but he'll agree anyway

    Name:  Colomb 1.jpg
Views: 759
Size:  73.4 KB

    Not Not (That's a watch ):
    (My precious, clearly a watch)

    Name:  nivrel.jpg
Views: 332
Size:  60.9 KB

  6. Likes JAGtime liked this post
  7. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by crownpuller View Post
    Prompted by the above, I asked myself the question: Do we ?
    So in an endeavour to hammer out some definitive criteria for what a watch is, and find out if there actually is a general consensus; I put it to you..... Where do you draw the line as to what is a watch and what is a gimmick, an exercise in horological prowess, an exhibition of micro-mechanics, an ego-trip for a designer, or simply a joke ?
    The more pictures, the better.
    For me, a watch should, quite simply, tell me the time at a glance. I should not have to decipher the display, or search for the hands, or look in 2 different places for hours & minutes, or hold it at a certain angle to be able to read it. The cost is irrelevant, though I've included the costs in my examples just for the hell of it and comparison purposes.
    Interesting topic. If we rule out the easy ones, where there aren't any hands or other markers to show hours and minutes, then you have a continuum in terms of "telling time at a glance." That continuum will vary by individual. For example, you appear to be saying that, for you, any regulator is "not a watch", since you have to look in two different places for hours and minutes. I would disagree, I own two regulators and I don't find them particularly hard to tell the time at a glance.

    How about this one? I admit it takes a half a second longer to read, but it's still within the definition of watch that you have set (i.e. readable at a glance, albeit a longer one than a conventional glance):

    Name:  MeisterSinger Front 2 copy.JPG
Views: 393
Size:  58.5 KB

    Here's another question for you--what about accuracy? I can't tell the time to within, say, two minutes, on this watch, but I still would say it's a watch:

    Name:  Moser.jpeg
Views: 294
Size:  6.8 KB

    Now, this one crosses my line:

    Name:  Ish watch.jpeg
Views: 920
Size:  5.8 KB

    So does this one (yes, it does show the time, after a fashion):

    Name:  Nava Ora Unica.jpeg
Views: 305
Size:  5.5 KB

    But I'm OK with these:

    Name:  Retro Wrist Small.JPG
Views: 359
Size:  120.4 KBName:  Nienaber Wrist 3 Small.JPG
Views: 363
Size:  73.5 KB

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  9. #5
    Member pepperami's Avatar
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    I'm not sure I actually read the time. When using an analogue I just see a patten and instantly recognise the time, to within a minute or two.

    I do get stumped if someone asks me the time and minute hand is between the indices and often just show the dial to the asker because I feel like I could be cheating them of +/- a minute or two?

    I don't get hung up on accuracy but I like to see the time as quickly as possible, so the old school analogue display suits me

    Sent from my GT-I9505

  10. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by mlcor View Post
    But I'm OK with these:
    Name:  Nienaber Wrist 3 Small.JPG
Views: 363
Size:  73.5 KB
    I'd be ok with these too (from the same stable)

    Name:  retrograde2.jpg
Views: 309
Size:  138.9 KB

    Name:  retrograde.jpg
Views: 320
Size:  149.8 KB

  11. Likes Bwana, JAGtime liked this post
  12. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Seriously View Post
    I'd be ok with these too (from the same stable)

    Name:  retrograde.jpg
Views: 320
Size:  149.8 KB
    Actually, this one would bother me--can get very hard to read when the hands are close together.

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  14. #8
    OK, I'll admit the first one I posted is the better option , but if they're sending samples I'd take either.

    I went for the 1st initially but then saw the 2nd and thought I'd include it anyway.

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  16. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Seriously View Post
    OK, I'll admit the first one I posted is the better option , but if they're sending samples I'd take either.
    Those are two of Rainer's pricier offerings...I think both are at least 4-5k Euros.

  17. #10

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