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    **** I found this a good read ****

    To peaceful

    At the end of 1945, together with the newly formed NIIChaspromom 2CHZ begins development of a pocket watch "Salute" caliber of 36 mm and a height of 3.5 mm mechanism. The prototype of this watch use random Swiss watch company "Kartebor 'favorite LP Beria However, these watches are not very suitable for mass production due to the hard tall sizes mechanism.
    Mastering the hours went agonizingly difficult and lasted almost until 1949.
    In 1946, the plant began developing Beacon ZCHP hours. Watches have the hour, minute and second hands, the autonomy of 144 hours, the diurnal variation (7.5 seconds. Bimetallic balance. Accuracy is ensured by special switching regulator. Watch produced in a metal frame on shock absorbers have dimensions 260h520h530 mm.
    This year is also characterized by major organizational changes.
    In August 1946 abolished the Ministry of mortar weapons, and at its base is created Ministry of General Machine Building and Instrument, which is formed Glavchasprom that obey all time plants in the country including 2CHZ.
    Deputy Minister in charge appointed by the watchmaking industry Britske KM to involve in the watch area and son, we have already mentioned at the beginning of the book by Vladimir Osipovich Prussia.
    In April 1946, he was appointed director of the plant Butorin Victor S. , who has worked in this capacity until 1953.
    In Butorin S. was born in 1907 in Udmurdskoy ASSR in Saratry in a working class family. In 19ZZ graduated from the Moscow Engineering Institute. A son born in 1945 and daughter 1938 Son in the '60s, he worked on the shop floor 2MCHZ 12.
    In 1947 began the assembly of women's watches "Star" of the details of the Penza watch factory.
    In 1950, the plant has the task to increase the production of pocket and wrist watches increased accuracy. For her performance in March organized a team of highly skilled watchmakers - collectors, which includes Khokhlov, Belov, Roshal and other employees of the plant. Brigade charged with assembling precision clock caliber 36 mm with the diurnal (15 sec. And high reliability of the mechanism.
    Actively assist the plant in this task in terms of improving the level of interchangeability of parts and components, thus improving the assembly hours and reduce the return of Kish, was provided by the GI NIIChasproma Troyanovskiy and M. Dorfman, and Associate Professor of the Moscow Institute of Mechanics Bezmenov AE
    In turn, the development NIIChaspromom one and three-second stopwatch and dvuhstrelochnyh odnostrelochnogo chronoscope actively engaged employee WGC plant Lisovska Nadezhda designer skilled in the future deputy chief designer 2CHZ.
    Such an experience of teamwork paid off in the future has been widely used to solve problems in developing new hours.
    So, in the middle of the 80s, creative working groups composed of the most qualified and factory workers of quartz NIIChasproma widely used to create standard series of quartz watches 3rd generation.
    In March 1950 organized by the machine-counting station (MSS), which is textured machine handles large amounts of digital information mainly for central accounting and greatly facilitates its rabotu.MSS became the basis for the creation in the early 70s automated production control systems (CAM ).
    The main disadvantages of these systems are centralized processing of primary data on a computer with more speed and more memory along with the manual preparation of the initial information that led to the large volume of errors, as well as the low level of technical facilities and their reliability. In addition, the number of departments CAM reached a hundred or more people and a positive cost-effectiveness of their work is determined by a stretch.
    However, CAM 2CHZ considered in Minpribor one of the best. This is no accident. After all, the department headed by Doctor of Economic Sciences Vladimir Podolsky and PhD in Economics Stalin Petrov.
    With the advent of personal computers, and in the future networks are almost completely gone all the shortcomings of CAM. Today the plant is no one service that the major part of the routine work not be laid on the PC. And if before the CAM with great difficulty was implemented on top, today in most cases the introduction comes from below, directly from the factory workers. Will express not only my opinion that most of the credit for the ruler of PC Shaparev Valery Kuchma, a great enthusiast of the business, great worker and a very charming man.
    But back to the year 1950 th. In May, the plant is a conference, the main direction of which was to improve the quality of hours "Lightning" and "Salute". To attract the best work of production workers and engineers of the plant. In addition to the general meeting work was carried out on sections: increasing accuracy; increase reliability and durability; improving the quality of external design; improve the culture and organization of production.
    In order to increase the production of alarms reorganized department number 3 (Head of Gusev, Deputy Shearman). The results of the work of inventors and innovators. Introduced more than 260 proposals, which allowed us to obtain high savings.
    In the same year NIIchasprom finalizing odnostrelochnogo stopwatch summing action caliber 54 mm with free anchor stroke by 15 ruby ​​stones and period of oscillations of the balance of 0.2 seconds and the plant starts its development. Stopwatch has two scales: the minute diameter of 28 mm and 54 mm momentary. One revolution of the second hand - 30 seconds and minutes - 30 minutes. Price second division of the scale of 0.1 seconds.Duration of full charging one - 6 hours. In addition mastered and dvuhstrelochny stopwatch single action on 22 ruby ​​jewels with characteristics similar odnostrelochnomu stopwatch. On the basis of odnostrelochnogo stopwatch was developed and mastered by the chronoscope with a 3-second and 2-minute scale with a scale interval of 0.01 seconds, the period of oscillation balance of 0.02 seconds and 0.45 hours autonomy.
    Subsequently, based on the stopwatch 1SO produced odnostrelochny chronoscope summing action with a scale of 0.01 seconds at the second scale and autonomy 10 minutes.

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    Last edited by is that my watch; Apr 17, 2015 at 10:53 PM.
    “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, teThe time is out of joint—O cursèd spite, That ever I was born to set it right!ars and sweat”

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    In 1957, under the direction of NN Lisovska the factory was developed and mastered in the production of 2 dial stopwatch summing action 51SD instead 1SD, with a second and minute scale, respectively 30 seconds and 30 minutes, the balance of the period of oscillation of 0.2 seconds, the autonomy of 6 hours.
    In January 1951 began the organization of a workshop for the production of stopwatches. Allocate this event, as the author of this book began its activity (at the end of the school) in August 1966 in this shop apprentice builder stopwatches.And my first mentor was Igor Kuznetsov. Man cheerful disposition and cheerful, for the brigade that apparently his name was simply Kuzma. This shop about 20 years worked CONTROLLER OTC and my mother - A. Bogdanov Seraphim.
    In the future, production at the plant stopwatches had sustained (up to 30 thousand. per year), and much of it was exported as a socialist and capitalist countries.
    In 1951, the factory workers: Head tehbyuro Nechayev Serafim Dmitrievich, locksmith Ananev IA mechanic and tool shop GI Petrov awarded the Stalin Prize for the development of carbide tools.
    In the same year launched the first pulsating assembly line hours "Victory" from parts 1MCH3.Foreman working pas conveyor is Novozhilova. If conventional conveyor for change was going to 110-115 hours, then on the pulsating 200-250.
    By year-end assembly of these watches made of parts of its own manufacture.
    At the end of the year the plant was obtained experimental batch time IBE oils, MW, MC with improved performance, which were developed by the time the Krasnodar oils and NIIChaspromom.
    In 1952, the newspaper "Izvestia" published an article about the poor quality of the alarm B-6. By this time, the question, as they say, brewing: Returns the alarm has grown considerably from the consumer. Were recruited staff NIIChasproma, drawn up action plans. However, many realized that the main reason for this state of affairs was the design of an alarm clock, is not well suited for a variety of reasons for the Moscow enterprises, limited area. Apparently performance prompted the central press plant to the fact that in the next, 1953, began the development of small-sized alarm clock, which was on the main characteristics correspond to international standards of similar products.
    In May, 1953, the chief engineer of the plant was appointed Chekunin Konstantin, who has worked in this position for a little more than 10 years.
    In December 1953, the plant manager became Volkov Nikolai, who has worked in this position until March 1969.
    1954 is characterized by the beginning of the industrial production of small-sized alarm caliber of 56 mm, a height of 15.2 mm on the mechanism of 11 stones, with free anchor escapement, the engine in the drum, with hairs from the compensation temperature of the alloy.
    We have already mentioned this alarm clock in our book.
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    “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, teThe time is out of joint—O cursèd spite, That ever I was born to set it right!ars and sweat”

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    Chekunin KI born 02.09.1909, in d.Konstantinovo, Bronnitsy, Moscow Region. He graduated from the Engineering Institute im.Bubnova. Prior to working in a factory NIIChasprome since its foundation chief pilot production, technical department, chief engineer, deputy director.
    Total over the years produced more than 100 million pieces of alarms. With him are familiar in the former Socialist. countries. During this period, the export of them were sent to more than 3 million units. Service was surprisingly tenacious.And even today, 47 years after the start of series production, has modern metrological characteristics, but because profitability successfully sold the watch market, not zalёzhivayas at the warehouse.
    N. Volkov was born in 1908 in Vitebsk. In 1939 he graduated from the Kalinin Pedagogical Institute, and then im.Kaganovicha Academy. He began his career in the locomotive depot Oryol apprentice plumber. In 1939 he worked in the Central Committee, and then Deputy Minister of Mechanical Engineering, Director Kuntsevskiy plant KIM. For the implementation of a special mission to the Great Patriotic War was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, Red Star, World War 1 degree, and in 1966 the Order of Lenin. Winner of the Lenin Prize (1961).
    In 1954 ends production of the alarm B-6. It is fully transferred to the Orlovsky watch factory, where since 1951 supplied parts for the assembly of the organization and development of the manufacture of parts on their own.
    Great help in the organization of production Orel watchmakers have specialists 2CHZ. "All those who studied there, to this day remember with gratitude Moscow watchmakers who deeply sympathetic to the needs of our factory and provided us with a friendly, truly fraternal assistance. [41]
    At the end of the year 2CHZ launches hours "Victory" in a gold case.
    In 1956, the factory is created the first automatic line «I-L" for the manufacture of body ring watch "Victory", which brings together 10 operations immediately.We can assume that the line marked the beginning of comprehensive mechanization and automation of watchmaking. It was designed by CSC staff time machine tool formed by order Glavchasproma September 18, 1947 № 341 and which since then and is currently located on the territory of 2CHZ.
    This neighborhood has given significant results, especially in build automation watches.Targeted long-term work in this direction has been highly successful. In 1979, a large group of watchmakers, in Vol. H. SKB ES (Minakov JV, YG Greenstein, Chuchin EF, EG Weissman, Shearman AM) and 2CHZ (Lats F .K. Afanasiev AM) were awarded the State Prize of the USSR.
    In 1957 began the production of devices 572P, special purpose. They were a small collector DC motor powered by a voltage of 6 volts, gear reducer and a special control balance - spiral stabilizing speed elsktrodvigatelya and its output shaft through a system of contacts, levers, pins and cam on the output shaft of the motor. The rotational speed of the output shaft of the motor 1 / min at a voltage diapazope 5.4 - 7.4 volts. Operational temperature range from - 300 to + 400 ° C ensures reliable operation during acceleration up to 2g and vibration with an amplitude of 1 mm at frequencies up to 30 Hz. Dimensions 62h54h62 mm. The device was manufactured before 1990.
    In the same year, the factory started the implementation of diamond tools in the manufacture of mechanical parts of watches and their appearance.
    “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, teThe time is out of joint—O cursèd spite, That ever I was born to set it right!ars and sweat”

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    In 1958 2CHZ started production of women's watches "Era" with a caliber of 16 mm and a height of 3.6 mm mechanism.
    Path to the issue of women's watches was long enough. We should not forget that 2CHZ created as a large factory hours. However, already in 1947 began preparations for the assembly of hours "Star" of the details of the Penza watch factory.
    In 1957, parts of the same plant were going to watch "Dawn". The main purpose of this event was to prepare to release their collectors of women's watches.
    Development of new hours went into difficulties. Energy indicators were lower than calculated and as a consequence - low amplitude oscillations balance. After the required modernization of the situation was somewhat correct.
    But low amplitude at quite good metrological characteristics fully complies with GOST pursued these hours before withdrawing from production in 1997. However, it is worth noting that the clock used by the buyers, both domestically and abroad in high demand. There have been issued more than 50 million. Pieces.
    Launch of hours "Era" was accompanied by some structural changes. Established a department of mechanization and automation, which was headed by engineer Rivkin SB , later Deputy General Director for Production.
    On the experimental plot of created new means of mechanization and automation of machine-assembling shops plant. Together with specialists from SKB disaster began work on the creation of automated processing line the base and the most time consuming parts of platinum-hours. This work resulted in triumph in 1961 obtaining a group of workers of the Lenin Prize SKB emergencies and 2MCHZ.From 2MCHZ Prize was awarded to the plant manager NN Volkov and mechanic platinum bridge shop Shadilov VI
    Subsequently, the mechanization and automation of production gave a significant economic impact and fully pays for the costs associated with their implementation.
    You can select to create semiautomatic assembly angrenazha alarm 5671, and vibrating hoppers for loading parts into the processing zone or assembly Trusova GK, which are successfully used in production and at the moment. In addition, it may be noted Tabakova AB, Zaitsev GM, Schyadilova VI active in these and other areas.
    At the same time the factory technologists together with experts NIIchasproma master manufacturing technology sinkers, bridges and box of rings by die forging and embossing.
    “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, teThe time is out of joint—O cursèd spite, That ever I was born to set it right!ars and sweat”

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    Since 1959, begins production 101CHP light meter, which was manufactured before 1990. The device has a contact output device and provided at the end of a given exposure opening the electric circuit whose closure was carried out simultaneously with the installation of the device on a given exposure and its start-up. Provides switching facilities include a current up to 660 watts. 101CHP provided not only disposable switching - off, and switching circuits periodically with a constant period of switching between 0 and 2 - 6 - 0.1 seconds in the range 6 - 12 - 1 seconds. Light meter worked on AC voltage of 220 volts.
    The beginning of the sixties is characterized by the release of electrical and electronic watches. In 1960 he developed the first contactless NIIchaspromom wristwatch ZCHN. However, in production for a number of shortcomings, they never went.
    Simultaneously, the 2CHZ created a new laboratory. In her first experts involved in microelectronics. In 1962, the plant produces drawings NIIchasproma experimental batch electro-mechanical balance of watches, which were produced in small quantities for 3 years, but due to a number of shortcomings were also discontinued. The next step - the beginning of the development in 1963, the tuning fork watches model 2937, which was prepared for more good fortune.Thanks oscillator - a tuning fork, run at a frequency of 360 Hz, these watches were the most accurate clocks of his time, carried out a quantum leap over traditional mechanical. Thanks germanium transistors, they were also the first reliable clock working on batteries. Tuning fork watches quickly gained popularity and released about 15 years.
    The following year, fork watches at the International Fair in Leipzig were awarded the gold medal.
    In 1963, the chief engineer of the plant becomes Pershin Nikolai Ivanovich, who has worked in this position for a little more than 15 years.

    Pershin NI - Was born on 05.11.1927 in a. Karacharovo Mozhaiskogo Moscow Region. He graduated from the All-Union Correspondence Engineering Institute.Worked until 1951 at the Chelyabinsk Watch Factory - master, technologist, deputy. section chief. On his return to Moscow - an engineer of production department Glavchasproma; since 1957 head of the instrumental department, head of mechanization third Moscow Watch Factory. Since 1960, ch. engineer of the plant "Kinap"; 1962 Specialist Committee Instrumentation SNK RSFR, from 1978 to 1980, General Director of the Moscow software "Crystal".
    By the mid-60s at the time the plants are formed sufficiently strong chief designer department (chief designer balms IN, Arsent'ev GP, Zakharov AV) and Chief Technology (chief technologists Kuhovarenko NM, Asoskov H etc.), can independently solve problems in the design and development of new kinds of household hours.
    On 2CHZ this work is done in two ways: 1) in conjunction with the creation of the modern 1MCHZ basic mechanism of mechanical watches, followed by an introduction to the principles of his blocking various options; 2) the creation and implementation in production of electro-mechanical clock running for one year from the "373" elements, TK, which was approved back in 1963.
    It should also be noted that in 1965 NIIchaspromom was completed a large group of structures calendars and self-winding watches, which also was a definite help for factory specialists.
    The meeting of heads of the Chief Designer at 2MCHZ: AV Zakharov (Center), Kiselev MA ( Kulichikhin ( Bulin SS ( Natanyan PP( LS Shapiro (1 MWF) Chabonyan AD (NIIChasprom) and others.
    “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, teThe time is out of joint—O cursèd spite, That ever I was born to set it right!ars and sweat”

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    Therefore, the beginning of production in 1966 wristwatch caliber of 24 mm, a height of 3.8 mm base mechanism (mechanism 2409) and calendar dates instantaneous mechanism with height 4.1 mm diurnal -20 and 40 seconds of battery life on a full spring charging 45 hours (model 2414), as well as electro-mechanical clock oscillator with balance and diurnal (30 sec. per day caliber 53 mm (mod. 5338 or B9M) passed for the plant is relatively painless.
    To create a mechanism by order of 24 gauge Glavchaspromu interplant was created a working group led by the Chief Bureau of new projections 2MCHZ Zakharov Anatoly Vasilyevich and 1MCHZ Vorobyova T., who managed to get a high power characteristics at a relatively small volume of the mechanism, which has a positive impact on its metrological characteristics and reliability . B9M actively involved in the development of the deputy. Chief Designer Lisovska NN
    Awarding of the plant in 1966, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor for the development of new products, in addition to output and improving production technology, as well as the commissioning of the mechanical assembly of the complex area of 17 thousand square meters in New Cheryomushki, poses 2MCHZ task to significantly increase the production of household hours extended range, high quality and reliability.
    July 5, 1968 at the plant collected 100 millionth watch, and just this year it was released more than 2 million women's watches, more than 15 thousand hours 24 gauge, more than 3 million 25 thousand alarms and stopwatch.

    In August 1969 at the branch plant in New Cheryomushki collected the first million watches. In April of that year, the plant manager becomes Paramonov Dmitri successfully manage a factory for over 10 years.
    “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, teThe time is out of joint—O cursèd spite, That ever I was born to set it right!ars and sweat”

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    D.A.Paramonov born August 7, 1930 in Moscow. In 1962 he graduated from the Moscow Machine Tool Institute. Since 1967, candidate of technical sciences. At the plant since 1945, after graduating from vocational schools. He worked as a watchmaker, a master plot, since 1956 head of production. 1958-1960,. Party secretary; 1960-1963 gg. - Head.industrial and transport department RK CPSU Deputy. Director 2MCHZ; 1965-1968 gg. - Secretary of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan; Of 1968-1969. - Deputy. Chief Glavchasproma; from 1969 to 1980. - Director of the Second Moscow Watch Factory; since 1980 member of the board Minpribor, Head Soyuzchasproma, planning and management zkonomicheskogo, Deputy Minister, Deputy Managing Director of the Council of Ministers. In retirement since 1991
    In 1970, in addition to other similar, started production of jet devices for switching electric circuits for the manned space systems. These devices perform switching functions according to a predetermined program in emergency response systems on board. In addition, the continued production of motor speed controller installed on the aircraft.

    In the same year released the first production batch of watches mechanical watches with calendar days of the week and the number of model 2428. Caliber mechanism 24 mm., Height - 4.8 mm., 26 stones, the autonomy of 40 hours on one full charging, balance - 0.4 s, Average daily rate - 30 + 40 seconds. Engine - S shaped spring with xiphoid plate in two drums. The movable block spiral.Calendar of combined action (momentary switch numbers and days of the week are not instant).

    In 1973 he started serial production of watches 2427 models with the highest number of additional devices. Watch first class caliber of 24 mm with a height of 6.85 mm mechanism 27 rocks, the autonomy of 35 hours; self-winding double
    action sliding bearings. Conversion type - Reversible sleeve.
    Gear ratio 151.7 (see the description of the dual calendar model 2428). This model is available up to the present time, and at its base - 70 - 80 years produced souvenir watches for deputies Party Congresses and the Trade Unions
    “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, teThe time is out of joint—O cursèd spite, That ever I was born to set it right!ars and sweat”

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    Order of the October Revolution to the 50th anniversary of the plant in 1974 was the high evaluation of the merits of the state team in the development of the watch industry. In the same year at the international exhibition in Brno wristwatch "Glory" caliber 24 mm were awarded the gold medal. A similar medal was won in the next year at the International Fair in Leipzig.
    The following year rent for use of production and warehouse building and garage-transport department of the plant on the street Avimotornoy.
    In 1976 2MCHZ nominated for the All-Union Exhibition of Economic Achievements board of honor.
    In the same year produced the first commercial batch of quartz watches fashion.3050 marks a new stage in the development of household clocks in which the clock on the new principles of action has finally won his place in the nomenclature of household clocks. However, in view of the fundamentally povyh approaches their production technology compared with mechanical clocks, it was still quite long start crisis, not only domestic but worldwide, and the hourly production.
    With the development of quartz watches in our country, in the opinion of the author, has been used very successfully interplant cooperation to ensure the original, compared with mechanical clock nodes (blocks), the individual elements and details, which were taken into account during the development of the characteristics of each of the watch factory. Thus, integrated circuits and electronic components of all provided Minsk Watch Plant (in Minsk is the largest in the Union Association for the production of microelectronics "Integral"); at Uglich watch factory quartz resonators have been mastered, the first violin in the development of the future who plays CEO MPO "2MCHZ" Korolev VM Factory had a great experience in processing time of stones and a branch of Uglich NIIChasproma was some kind of scientific & D base. Kusinsk plant precise technical stones became the base for the production of magnets for stepper motors, silicon wafers for integrated circuits and power supplies.
    Our factory has become a base for the production of stepper motors.
    So, the first quartz wrist watch model 3050 had a caliber 30 mm, a height of 7.5 mm, a stepper motor (SM), a double calendar, central second hand, fed by an element with a nominal voltage of 1.5 volt type 018, 10 stones, autonomy 12 months, the average diurnal variation (2 seconds, the current consumption of 4 ICA frequency crystal oscillator 32768 Hz, SD - double-pole permanent-magnet with external coil 30 rev / min.
    International Prize "Golden Mercury, awarded the plant in the same year, the high evaluation of its participation in international trade. Total for year factory produced more than 8 million. Household clocks.
    “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, teThe time is out of joint—O cursèd spite, That ever I was born to set it right!ars and sweat”

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    In the 70 years abroad, mainly in Switzerland, was purchased from such companies as "Tornos", "Wali", "Tsumbah" and others. About 150 units of modern watchmaking equipment, and in 1977 was over staffing, later named workers of the plant, "prospectus" name Paramonov - 100 machines, "Wali" raised the production of the tribe and the wheels of watches to a new technological and qualitative level.
    In December 1978 the chief engineer, deputy general director was appointed Yuri Sorokin Philippovich.
    Sorokin YF - Was born on March 5, 1938 in Moscow. In 1969 he graduated from the Moscow Machine Tool Institute.On 2MCHZ with 1956g.- design engineer, chief tehbyuro, party secretary. Since October 1978 - Deputy. Director for Economics. In the 1982-student of the Academy of National Economy of the USSR; Since 1984 - the deputy. Soyuzchasproma chief, General Director of "Crystal".
    1979 - the year of the triumph of the team masters "Glory" rugby. She becomes the champion of the Soviet Union. And this was only the first success. In 1982, "Glory" again champion of the USSR, and in 1981, 1985, 1989, and the team became the owner of the Union Cup.
    NA photos of the team - the champion, in the center of Yuri Sigayev , which in 2001 in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Sports Committee was given the honorary title "Honored Worker of Physical Culture and Sports of Russia" - the only one of all the athletes - rugby country.
    Touching upon the sports theme, I would like to see more detail on it from the other side - side mass sports. After all, the team of craftsmen "Glory" grew out of nowhere. The plant had good sporting traditions in the shops, departments, sections, supported by good sports facilities. Had an active generator of development trends in the person of leisure Paramonov Lopatkin , to whom belongs the idea of establishing a factory team masters rugby and the setting in front of her most of maximum problems. However, I am referring to a sports team not for the result, and for the soul, in which it was possible to maintain the desired and you yourself in shape, and to participate in sports, for example, between clockwork and interesting, imaginatively, with the invention, to sum ​​up the results of their and, finally, just to spend their leisure time on the sports field.
    And this team appeared. Decision of the Board of Directors Soyuzchasproma were organized competitions commanders productions for football, volleyball, basketball and track and field athletics between Moscow, Uglich, Petrodvorets and Minsk Watch Plant. They were joined by other plants, such as plant Kusinsk TTC. Could think then director that their undertaking is prepared for such a long life, and it will take all the difficulties surviving and rebuilding, and acceleration, and so hard for all watchmakers, and
    throughout the country during the reform period.
    A competition that have become a tradition now continues. They are attended by teams of Moscow and Uglich time
    “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, teThe time is out of joint—O cursèd spite, That ever I was born to set it right!ars and sweat”

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    plants and a team of Peterhof (note not the plant, which has long been not in the best position, but for the result, and for the soul, in which it was possible to maintain the desired and you yourself in shape, and to participate in sports, for example, between time plants and interesting, inventive, with the invention, to sum them up, and finally just spend their leisure time on the sports field. And this team appeared. the Board of Directors Soyuzchasproma were organized competitions commanders productions for football, volleyball, basketball and track and field athletics between Moscow, Uglich , Petrodvorets and Minsk Watch Plant. They were joined by other plants, such as plant Kusinsk TTC. Could think then director of what awaits them undertaking such a long life, and it will take all the difficulties surviving and rebuilding, and acceleration, and so heavy for all watchmakers, and the whole country during the reform period. And the competition, have become today the tradition continues. They are attended by teams of Moscow and Uglich watch factories and the team Peterhof (note not the plant, which has long been no better off, and his former workers, sports enthusiasts). Meeting three times a year in winter in Moscow, Uglich summer and in the fall in Petrodvorets team deliver true joy to themselves and the fans and fellow competitors, giving a vivid example of their factory teams loyalty to tradition, persistence and perseverance in their preservation, even with amye difficult years of existence. And of course, each team has a leader. In our example, cisco Yu, the team leader of the firm Peterhof accepting the difficult efforts on the organization of competitions Pomorin Andrew, in Uglich team avid soccer player Boris Sitnikov.
    The tradition of sport, despite the friendly relations, each game is in combat, with passion, in order to win - Supplement tradition of skits, which summarizes, perform their talents. Each time can not help wondering how much each of us is hidden, hidden, and needed a special atmosphere, the atmosphere, the number of people who contribute to the disclosure of these talents, make them accessible to the team.
    And here we have a leader-organizer Putilova Irina also reveal many as a good director-producer. And yet, the team - not only on the sports field, but also in life. I sincerely thank my team for the tremendous support she had me in the most difficult moment of my life.
    In the year of "Olympics - 80" in Moscow, p. Bullfinches near Moscow put into operation a new summer camp for summer and winter holidays for children
    factory workers, and in the offseason and the workers themselves. Unfortunately the author goes into history
    summer camp "Eaglet" in the river near Mozhaisk Protva, which, in school, went every year, gathering strength and health, soaking up the atmosphere of the Second Moscow Watch Factory.
    A "Bullfinches" became the center of a good rest of factory workers and their children, as in the following and recreation in Sec. Vardane on the Black Sea. And at the head of their organization process, has become a legacy of amazing in their organizational skills and spiritual understanding Olga Gerasina.How many people carry in my heart the words of gratitude for her superbly organized recreation.
    In 1981, the main factory for rent in operation a new production facility for the production of alarms, which largely solved the problem of production space, and subsequently the production of mechanical alarm clocks. Here too late to start production and quartz alarm clocks.
    In 1982 he was accepted by the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Soviet Union on the establishment of a number of companies in the country, including the First and Second Moscow Watch Factory - automatic factory. For companies with discrete nature of production idea itself was utopian. However, given that under Regulation businesses involved in its implementation, and brought to the work of organizations have been allocated additional funds, it gave a definite incentive for their development. However 2MCHZ from the full range of activities planned and implemented in the memory was only an automated assembly line for the mechanism of quartz wristwatch model 2356 machine tool developed by CSC time, the implementation of which the program assembly and control - seven thousand-shift mechanisms allowed the plant to a significant economic effect. In 1982, the chief engineer of the MPO "Second Moscow Watch Factory" was appointed Boris Kozlov .
    “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, teThe time is out of joint—O cursèd spite, That ever I was born to set it right!ars and sweat”

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