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Thread: Bremont Americas-Cup Anouncement

  1. #1
    Hall Monitor Samanator's Avatar
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    Bremont Americas-Cup Anouncement



    Tell everyone you saw it on IWL!

  2. #2
    I'm curious to see what they come up with for this design. I wonder if they can do carbon fiber for the barrel of their trip-tick cases?

    I was in San Francisco during the Louis-Vuitton Cup, which was the final race before the America's Cup. The boats/yachts/catamarans/whatever-you-call-them were amazing! Seeing them fly around the bay was incredible. We watched a couple races and a few practice runs. The size of the "sail" makes them deceptively fast.

  3. #3
    Yes, they are amazing, with so much cutting edge technology. I don't know what to call them any more, calling them sailboats is really stretching it.

  4. #4
    New model tie-in for Bremont, Will there be a piece of the sailors wetsuit in one of the Rotors ? RRP £10,000 ?

  5. #5
    The Dude Abides Nokie's Avatar
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    AC 72's.

    The first year they have raced something this big with that big of a mast. Prior to than it was AC 45's.

    Everything is carbon fiber, titanium, and or Kevlar composite materials.

    Super light weight, insanely strong and, it just flies.

    Like Formula 1 on the water.

    We helped with the event since we are next to SF and hosted one of the teams one day for a social in our area during the AC Cup race in 2012.

    The tech's told us during testing, these larger boats (Fully extended the mast is almost 13 stories tall), they could hit somewhere between 40-50 knots in certain sections of the course, and maybe more depending on the weather and current.

    That is hauling butt.....
    Last edited by Nokie; May 11, 2015 at 08:07 PM.
    "Either He's Dead, Or My Watch Has Stopped....."
    Groucho Marx

  6. #6
    deadhead hayday's Avatar
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    For as amazing as these vessels are, Larry Ellison has completely destroyed things by mismanaging the daily operations of the America's Cup. The last Cup was exciting from a spectator perspective but Ellison's incompetence is driving away potential challengers. There may not be any challengers at all for the next Cup, let alone anyone vying for the Louis Vuitton Cup. Wish they would go back the 12-metres or J12s and syndicates that are more interested in sailing than court battles. The Cup started its decline after the Aussie's winged keel in 1984, and Dennis Connor (aka Mr. America's Cup) took things exponentially down the rabbit hole of destruction with a series of stoopid court battles that put us in the predicament we're now in: the Cup is won and lost in the courtroom and the water-based matches are merely the final step.

    Kinda sad, really.

    Once in awhile you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right.

  7. #7
    Ich bin ein Ebeler! WWII70's Avatar
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    Bremont Americas-Cup Anouncement

    Quote Originally Posted by Nokie View Post

    Everything is carbon fiber, titanium, and or Kevlar composite materials. .....
    Like my Ebel 1911 BTR (heh, heh)

    Ebels (lots), IWC, Omega, FC, Eterna, Tag, Invicta, Movado
    If you are interested in the details

  8. #8
    I'd take the Ebel over any Bremont it's a beauty!

  9. #9
    Member Perseus's Avatar
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    I bet it has an in-house movement!

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